vista dropping network...

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vista dropping network...

Apr 6, 2005
Hi guys .

I have just formatted my advent laptop as it was doing my head in being so slow. I reintsalled vista and all was nice and fast again ! Everything works well apart from when im downloading something at full speed off the net ... full speed is 1.1mbs after a few minutes the network thing in task bar crashes and drop internet connection .... only way to get it back is to reboot the laptop??
If i only use the internet its fine and never crashes .
I have updated the drivers for the wireless setup . its only ever done it since i reinstalled it ....
anyone got an idea ?
Cheers Adz
It could be vista, but its easier to check the router first, the provider may be having problems too. Next time it crashes try resetting your router (pull the power cable out of the back of the box, or use a reset button) and see if that fixes the problem.

Your speed is low too, so it could just be that your wifi card is having trouble maintaining a connection due to distance from the router or objects blocking the signal. Wifi on my laptop works all over my house except on my bed (which is pretty much right over the router) because it's a water bed and the water is too dense to transmit the signal.
Hi guys .

I have just formatted my advent laptop as it was doing my head in being so slow. I reintsalled vista and all was nice and fast again ! Everything works well apart from when im downloading something at full speed off the net ... full speed is 1.1mbs after a few minutes the network thing in task bar crashes and drop internet connection .... only way to get it back is to reboot the laptop??
If i only use the internet its fine and never crashes .
I have updated the drivers for the wireless setup . its only ever done it since i reinstalled it ....
anyone got an idea ?
Cheers Adz
Is the laptop going into standby? I had issues with Vista and my desktop going to sleep and the NIC not waking up properly.