What's made you smile today?

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What's made you smile today?

mate... i've been at university for the past 3 years.

or did i just shape shift into j1ppers without realising it.

you clearly know **** all. so go back to your little chat room, and continue being the fantasist you are.

you had a job whilst at university yes? whether you were moving or what other reason you still left a job you had for one that doesn't exist. whereas i cant get an official job. so instead use the time to gain some experience. ive been at college 3 years, have another year after this and minimum 1 year of university to follow.

You really are that naive. Jessssssssssssuuuuuuussssssssssssssss.


You spin them some bull**** of a lie.

They are sat there at home thinking what a dick, lets play along with that and make him think we believe him.

You get all excited over it thinking that some other sad ****er actually believes the **** you are saying so you then go on to tell everyone else about it.

the average human is somewhat easy to read, you can tell if you know what to look for purely by how a person says something their gender, by the language they use you can also determine their age and im some cases place of origin. when you learn to change these things accordingly it is somewhat eas to bull**** most of the human population including some who know you personally.

whether someone believes what i tell them or not makes no difference to me, yet when someone is stupid enough to sit in a conversation of blatant lies it is evident they are either lacking intellect, how too much time on their hands or are overly curious. which if those applies to the people ion their is down to individual perception.
you had a job whilst at university yes?


like i said, you know sh!t all so i suggest you give up before you make even more of a prat of yourself.... oh wait hold on... reading your last few posts, it seems as though you already have.

rolf the great expert of linguistics and reader of social interaction via the medim of the internet.

i wasnt aware that aswell as a computer expert, you were also a psychologist rolf. you have many hidden talents it seems.

one being able to waffle and bull**** your way out of any situation, and seemlessly back into another one where people think you are a complete tool (y)

Family planning clinic at local hospital used to have a bowl of free condoms on thier reception desk (y)

different to mints/sweets I guess lol

my friend and I took our kids to mum and toddlers group at sure start centre, they have them there ... yay no more expense :eek:
Good day today.

Excellent flight to Exeter, taxi arrived on time, hotel is brilliant. Moule Frite for lunch then an afternoon nap.

Nearly time for dinner and a quiet night in the hotel lounge with a beer or two. May take the netbook with me.


I'm free the next few weeks if you need someone to take over (y)

I dont think you female enough fo rme mate :D helz is so much better for me :p lol sorry :(

Such a bold gesture...

And Helz can come to mine :p

I want helz at mine :) i like her snuggles :D

She'd be at mine before her plane would have taken off :p
Not before she could get to mine hopefully :D

Ah, but its nearly summer here, over 35 every day until Saturday, and then 32 on Sunday :nerner:

Oh, and I'd make it worth the 24-ish hour flight ;)

I make it worth more :p


my smile, finding out where I can access free condoms :D

Get me some ! lmao