What's made you smile today?

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What's made you smile today?

Today I won the ebay auction for the mk1 MR2 that will become my race car in the MR2 racing series next year. Woo! 1986, 88k miles, 12 months mot, 6 months tax, 5 new tyres and no rot or rust. Happy days. Now the build can begin.


So you bought a japanese copy of an american attempt (Fiero) at an Italian car (X1-9 :slayer: )? :ROFLMAO:
No, as it made me smile :D :)


Not the sort of pubs I've been to ;)

Lunch was at the Oz pub ;) http://www.tasteofoz.com/ (although you'll never guess what I had for lunch :p)

nothing served there instantly makes me think 'oz' ... like if i read the menu without being told its meant to have a theme.. i wouldnt have clicked.

it does however amuse me that serving kangaroo meat somehow gives you licence to attach said theme to said resturant :p

my dads eaten croc... and he dont go around saying hes that dundee fellow :D
Ah, but its nearly summer here, over 35 every day until Saturday, and then 32 on Sunday :nerner:

Oh, and I'd make it worth the 24-ish hour flight ;)

I'z got the skilz t pay da bilz tho

talking to a girl this morning who had an arse fetish. only need to say anything even just like whats the weather like and shed turn round and say would you lick my arsehole.


If you weren't chatting absolute ****e I would say send her my way. I've heard the girls go mad when you lick their bumhole rolf. You should give it a try.