:bang: Is think this is what we feel like doing in this family ATM
Honesty 57 or her in doors has told you people about the operation she has recently been through and the none existant level of care and filthy conditions at the UHW cardiff well this has topped even this she now has mrsa
we cant belive this either and as this CAN be life threatning we are in a total state of panic the digracefull part of this being that when she went back in last week end for over night treatment they took a swobb to determine the type of infection and which antibiotic should be used they have had the result and not notified us of this and it was not until the district nurse called the lab this morning that we found out the bad news . Last weekend a doctor took us one side and told us that the conditions and equiptment in this hospital are worse than in 3rd world countries and some of the equiptment was used in his contry in the 1980s so while the Welsh Assembly have spent 80 million on a building that nobody wanted peoples lives here in Wales at at risk .:bang: I wonder if they really care as they sit there on their big FAT ARSES talking about the barby they had and which lady assembly member is a good lay. This is a very irrate and angry PNL reporting about the crap the people in Wales have to endure :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang: its revolution time ppl do the country a favour KILL A POLOTICIAN
Honesty 57 or her in doors has told you people about the operation she has recently been through and the none existant level of care and filthy conditions at the UHW cardiff well this has topped even this she now has mrsa
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