But on the highway code website it doesn't say "MUST NOT" park next to a junction? So is that a law?
Anyway, a lot of that post is made up.
Not being present at the "appeal" - sending a letter and the council disagreeing with your letter isn't the appeal, the appeal would be in court.
C haracter refs for a parking infringement? hmm
[/QUOT All i was saying was it worked for me! Anyhow, how many people get out of their car and take pictures of where its parked before going about their chores?Strikes me stilosporting knew exactly what he was doing and personally i wouldnt fight this one, i,d just take my medicene like a man and admit defeat before the fine and costs get out of hand. In reference to "alot of that post is made up" i can assure you it isnt.Where i live the parking control is operated by the local council and if you read the back of a parking ticket it tells you how to appeal!! Very rarely does a parking ticket reach court as it just isnt worth contesting financially.