Technical Kode P0238

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Technical Kode P0238


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Jul 22, 2024
I have this vide in my Fiat Ducato 150 Multjet,2013. I have heard that it may be this sensor that is the problem. but where is it located?


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I have a Fiat Ducato 2.3 150 HP. Got error code P0238. I have changed the Mapsensor, I have changed the Turbo pressure valve, They have checked the EGR valve. But still the same error code. Should the ECU be set when the Mapsensor has been changed?
I have a Fiat Ducato 2.3 150 HP. Got error code P0238. I have changed the Mapsensor, I have changed the Turbo pressure valve, They have checked the EGR valve. But still the same error code. Should the ECU be set when the Mapsensor has been changed?
No , the MAP sensor doesnt need reading to the ECU. the MAF sensor does not the MAP. x250 2.3 facelift
But can someone give me a hint what the problem is? My workshop can't figure out what the problem is.
They found an unusual amount of soot and oil in the Turbo, even on the map sensor that was changed, there was a lot of oil on it.
The plug called end plug can be located in several different places within the vacuum system, especially near components that control or are affected by the turbo pressure, such as the vacuum reserve, vacuum hoses, intake pipes, or components such as the waste gate. Replacing a broken plug or repairing a vacuum leak can help stabilize turbo pressure and resolve the P0238 trouble code.
But is there anyone who can give me advice on where this plug sits?
Error code P0238, Fiat Ducato 2.3, 2013 model year

The following things have been done:
- Replace Mapsensor. In connection with this, a lot of soot and oil was discovered on the map sensor and inside the turbo.

- Change turbo pressure valve Fiat original.

- Flue gas tested intake/pressure pipe/intercooler X2 no leaks found.

- Control hoses to turbo pressure valve, slightly rubbed but no holes.

- Tried with new hoses without results, old hoses refitted.

- Check connector to MAP sensor, all ok.

- Check values DPF, ok.

- Run wastegate rod function in computer, ok / rod moves)

- Control contact to wastegate, ok.

- Dismantling the EGR cooler, checking the EGR, is closed (no function in the computer to test drive)

- Check charge & atmospheric pressure while driving and stationary, it revs too low. Charging pressure at gas application approx. 1000 mbar, should be approx. 2000 mbar.

- Checked turbo pressure valve that it is the latest version updated.

- Control vacuum from the turbo to the turbo pressure valve, ok.

- Basic setting turbo, could not be implemented.

- Smoke test vacuum box in front of turbo pressure valve.

- Change the fuel filter.

- Discovered that my engine has too much oil. Sucked out about 2 l of oil, then the level on the dipstick ended up in a position between min and full. Could this have caused me problems with the Turbo?

All this done but still error code P0238.

Does anyone have a suggestion for a remedy?
Feilkode P0238, Fiat Ducato 2.3, 2013 årsmodell

Følgende ting er gjort:
- Bytt ut kartsensor. I forbindelse med dette ble det oppdaget mye sot og olje på kartsensoren og inne i turboen.

- Bytt turbotrykkventil Fiat original.

- Røykgasstestet inntak/trykkrør/mellomkjøler X2 ingen lekkasjer funnet.

- Styreslanger til turbotrykkventil, litt gnidd men ingen hull.

- Prøvd med nye slanger uten resultat, gamle slanger montert på nytt.

- Sjekk kontakten til MAP-sensoren, alt i orden.

- Sjekk verdiene DPF, ok.

- Kjør wastegate stangfunksjon i datamaskinen, ok / stangen beveger seg)

- Kontrollkontakt til wastegate, ok.

- Demontering av EGR-kjøleren, sjekk av EGR, er stengt (ingen funksjon i datamaskinen for å prøvekjøre)

- Sjekk ladning og atmosfærisk trykk mens du kjører og står stille, den går for lavt. Ladetrykk ved gasspåføring ca. 1000 mbar, skal være ca. 2000 mbar.

- Sjekket turbotrykkventil at det er siste versjon oppdatert.

- Kontroller vakuum fra turbo til turbotrykkventil, ok.

- Grunninnstilling turbo, kunne ikke implementeres.

- Røyktestvakuumboks foran turbotrykkventil.

- Bytt drivstoffilter.

– Oppdaget at motoren min har for mye olje. Suget ut ca 2 l olje, så havnet nivået på peilepinnen i en stilling mellom min og full. Kan dette ha forårsaket problemer med Turboen?

Alt dette gjort, men fortsatt feilkode P0238.

Er det noen som har forslag til en løsning?
Har du funnet ut noe på denne feilkoden ?
Helt plötsligt så verkar allt vara ok. Efter jag pumpat ut 2 l olja ur motor som var förmycket bytt bränslefilter, stått still i två veckor så funkar allt .
Helt plötsligt så verkar allt vara ok. Efter jag pumpat ut 2 l olja ur motor som var förmycket bytt bränslefilter, stått still i två veckor så funkar allt .
All of a sudden everything seems to be ok. After I pumped out 2 liters of oil from the engine that was too much, changed the fuel filter, stood still for two weeks, everything works.

They found an unusual amount of soot and oil in the Turbo, even on the map sensor that was changed, there was a lot of oil on it.
The MAP sensor can get well sooted up but not oily. the excessive oil in engine could easily be the issue.
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