Well I've resisted so many times from posting in loads on places but do have some posts here on FF where Brexit is a topic.
What I would like to say/advise is that for/since Brexit vote I've been subscribed to the UK GOV Brexit daily Emails the point to everything from how UK citizens living in the EU can live/meet in Italy/France/... to advice to and requirements for what the UK business need to do. Add to this all the information on the International Trade deals etc. we as a country leaving/left the EU then it is clear to me there has been commitment, due process, INFORMATION and a shed load of other stuff that escapes many peoples eyes/views of where this whole leaving the EU decision and required processes and actions have been occurring and will continue to occur.
Example for 26 Feb.
Daily update from GOV.UK for:
Food and drink businesses: working with the EU
Page summary:
What you need to do as a food and drink business to work with the EU.
Change made:
To trade with the EU without paying tariffs all goods need to comply with the preferential Rules of Origin. A section has been added to link to the HMRC guidance.
Time updated:
10:46am, 26 February 2021
UK-Japan CEPA: final impact assessment
Page summary:
Economic assessment of the impact of the Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Japan for a Comprehensive Economic Partnership (the UK-Japan CEPA).
Change made:
Two statistically minor corrections have been made to pages 10 and 31 of the PDF document, and ‘Annex J: Notice On Corrections’ has been added on page 105. See Annex J for further information.
Time updated:
10:53am, 26 February 2021
Sending goods to the EU through roll on roll off ports or the Channel Tunnel
Page summary:
Find out what to do if you use roll on roll off locations or the Channel Tunnel to transport goods to the EU from the UK.
Change made:
The ‘Assumed Departure’ section has been added.
Time updated:
11:42am, 26 February 2021
EU business: importing from the UK
Page summary:
Find out what EU businesses need to do to import from the UK.
Change made:
Updated sections on wood packaging material, importing animals, importing animals, bringing food into the EU and transporting goods.
Time updated:
1:27pm, 26 February 2021
Participating in the UK Emissions Trading Scheme (UK ETS)
Page summary:
This guidance explains who the UK Emissions Trading Scheme (UK ETS) applies to and what is required of businesses that are covered.
Change made:
The calendar for UK ETS auctions in 2021 has been published by auction platform provider ICE. We have included a link to the calendar from this guidance.
Time updated:
1:32pm, 26 February 2021
Meeting British citizens across Italy
Page summary:
The British Embassy in Rome is holding meetings across Italy to update British citizens working and living in the country.
Change made:
Added a new outreach event: residency roadshow for UK nationals in Puglia
Time updated:
1:39pm, 26 February 2021
Living in Germany
Page summary:
Official information for UK nationals living in and moving to Germany, including guidance on residency, healthcare and driving.
Change made:
Coronavirus section updated with a link to guidance on vaccines
Time updated:
2:00pm, 26 February 2021
Importing or moving fish to the UK
Page summary:
How to import or move fish for human consumption to the UK.
Change made:
The page has been updated to include a summary of the phased approach that applies to imports from countries in the EU, EEA and EFTA. A section has been added to link to the HMRC guidance on the preferential Rules of Origin.
Time updated:
4:00pm, 26 February 2021
The UK sanctions list
Page summary:
Find out which individuals, entities and ships are designated or specified under regulations made under the Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Act 2018, and why
Change made:
A new listing under the Yemen regime and minor changes to 2 other designations.
Time updated:
4:16pm, 26 February 2021
EU business: exporting to the UK
Page summary:
Find out what EU businesses need to do to export to the UK.
Change made:
Updated sections on wood packaging material, exporting animals, exporting food and drink, exporting agri-food products and transporting goods from EU to the UK.
Time updated:
4:37pm, 26 February 2021
Financial sanctions, Yemen
Page summary:
Yemen is currently subject to UK financial sanctions. This document contains a current list of designated persons.
Change made:
Updated with ‘Latest HM Treasury Notice, 26/02/2021, Yemen’
Time updated:
4:53pm, 26 February 2021
EU business: taxes and tariffs
Page summary:
Find out more about taxes and tariffs for EU businesses trading with the UK.
Change made:
Updated the section on Paying VAT or claiming VAT refunds.
Time updated:
4:54pm, 26 February 2021
EU business: working in the UK
Page summary:
Find out what EU citizens need to do if they are working in the UK.
Change made:
Updated the section on business activity in the UK to include covid entry restrictions.
Time updated:
5:34pm, 26 February 2021
Scottish Seafood Exports Taskforce – second meeting update
Page summary:
Second meeting brings together key industry figures with ministerial and official representatives of the UK Government to help cut EU red tape.
Change made:
First published.
Time updated:
6:16pm, 26 February 2021