However, have you asked any of the baby boomers what they have had to put up with for the last 40 years ? We haven't been asset stripping, that has been done by various Governments and the EU. One example Europe trucks of 42 tonnes weight were introduced. They are too heavy for bridges and culverts in this country and were not allowed in ! the EU TOLD GB that all the bridges and culverts must be upgraded to be able to carry 42 tonnes. I wonder how much that cost ? They have all been upgraded now and it caused tailbacks galore due to the works taking place near me for over 9 months !
It also may be that us baby boomers, who didn't choose when we were born, by the way, have seen this as a way to wake up everyone to what is going on ? The rape of this country's assets by the Luvvies and Government, to ensure their standards of living don't change ?
The only thing you have to remember is that you came into this world with nothing and you will go out with nothing !