Islam4uk to march through Wooton Bassett

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Islam4uk to march through Wooton Bassett

Do you reckon Western governments have people on those pages pretending to be extremist Muslims and are not tracking IP's etc etc in the background? (y)
It would be nice to thinks so (just like Spooks!)
However, I am not convinced that they are.
I think MI5 are looking for people wearing "I'm a terrorist" tee shirts and carrying a black ball with a fuse coming out of it, a la Tom & Jerry.
To be fair I think the services are overwhelmed by sheer numbers due to our open door (it's ok, they'll be so gratefull they'll all vote labour) immigration "policy".
Do you reckon Western governments have people on those pages pretending to be extremist Muslims and are not tracking IP's etc etc in the background? (y)

Possibly, it's quite easy. But, what would would be the point in that? If so, it's probably only causing more hate (n)

When i posted the link it was an open page, but now you have to "Request to join". I was going to quote what pooroldcodger said but i refuse to join it. (Doubt they'd accept a british name anyway :rolleyes:).
The Islam4UK march in Wooton Bassett is the wrong thing to do, and will add to the villification of Islam in this country. In my work I have met many moderate Muslims and they are great guys, realising that just a little flexibility is all that is needed to integrate smoothly with UK mainstream society. These guys do not deserve their faith to be dragged through the mud by extremists.

However, I would happily give a minute or two of silence for the innocent lost in conflict in Afghanistan. We are all equal, and whether someone was born on our soil are not, they are a human being all the same and their loss is just as tragic.
Their publicity stunt certainly worked! I am sure there's something in the Qu'ran that outlaws their actions. Then again, that could be more hoping there is.
USA and UK Army simply need to remove themselves from the arab countries.

There is no moral reason for being there.

Flakes of snow do more damage to the UK than this supposed 'terrorism' which I've yet to believe has any truth behind.

Sadam Hussain, he's dead and what difference has that made? Absolutely nothing. Every day, I switch the news on, and another young man has died for virtually no reason.
The Chinese are far more sensible. Instead of hemorrhaging national wealth away invading countries for no good reason, they keep their powder dry and use the cash to buy the countries' assets, and so deprive the rest of the world of them. Clever.
Banning them seems a foolish move. Feed that publicity monster. Like any of these clowns was in a position to find 500 empty coffins anyway. This was an attention seeking ploy and it's still working.

Although, bizarrely, I happen to agree with the spokesman for Islam4uk on something:

Islam4UK spokesman Anjem Choudary told BBC Radio 4: "What the people will see is if you don't agree with the government and you want to expose their foreign policy, then freedom quickly dissipates and turns into dictatorship."