Islam4uk to march through Wooton Bassett

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Islam4uk to march through Wooton Bassett

ha ha that site if feckin Hilarious, look at the section for non muslims. i can feel indoctrinated now and fully support them.... or maybe not. just a few muslims who're going to give muslims in the uk as a whole even more trouble.

and please no "i'm not racist but....." responses to this thread.
Let them get on with it. I think they should basically be ignored and given zero attention.
If their march makes them feel better about the whole thing, then that's great. Somehow though I doubt it will. It may stir up more bad feeling etc etc but let's face it, that is the ultimate aim after all.
Let them get on with it. I think they should basically be ignored and given zero attention.
If their march makes them feel better about the whole thing, then that's great. Somehow though I doubt it will. It may stir up more bad feeling etc etc but let's face it, that is the ultimate aim after all.


Although I hope this does not go ahead, if for no other reason than to respect for our war dead.

But when it does, if this was given zero attention, if the march was to empty streets, with no press, and no one even glanced their way, it would be a far more effective snub.
Alas I can't see this happening.
How un-respectful and ill-informed :(

If they march to honour the Innocent dead Islamics and maintain complete and utter respect for British Troops then good on them.

I really hope it doesn't end in a hate campaign, as it'll not do anyone any good :(
and please no "i'm not racist but....." responses to this thread.

It's OK - to be racist, you need to be picking on someone's race. Although a number of Muslims would like to think that they are kind of a master race, they simply follow a religion.

And I really can't imagine these people being terribly respectful - just look at the tone adopted in their "statement":

coffins containing the dismembered bodies
as a tribute to their ‘sacrifice'.
The best bit of the whole article was this though:

If you would like more information about the ‘Wootton Bassett March' or are Muslim and would like to take part in it please contact the following numbers
Wasn't the BNP recently told off for only wanting to have "indigenous white Christian population" as members? Any "indigenous white Muslim converts" want to try and join their cause? I bet you can't...

I have no issues with people following whatever religion they want, but these people are all out to offend, etc. And when they reap the consequences (from some presumably unhappy Wooten Basset residents) these will be undoubtedly branded racist as well.

And I have to be honest - when I saw the "non-Muslim" section, I thought it would link to a page just saying "you will burn in hell" :s

Rant over :)
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Reading this section is rather disturbing:

"The Death of the Adult Industry Under the Shari'ah

Indeed, the conversion of the United Kingdom into an Islamic State, governed by Shari'ah law is something which has been destined and cannot be avoided. Almighty Allah (SWT), the One who is al-Mu'min i.e. who fulfils His promises, has sent the glad tidings of this magnificent domination and furthermore even provided the extraordinary details of how certain nations will be conquered, leaving no room for doubt or conjecture, and He is al-Alim (All-Knowing) and al-Azeez (always Victorious).

Given the current state of affairs, with the Islamic Shari'ah on the brink of implementation, we at Islam4UK felt it necessary to reveal to the British public what changes are likely to occur, particularly to their lifestyles, in the event of Britain's legislature succumbing to the auspices of Islam. Previously we have made mention of probable changes that could occur to the famous British landmark Trafalgar Square, however this article will focus on a more sombre aspect of British society, that is exploitative, sickening and unfortunately very widespread."

This 'group' of extremists are no better than the BNP with their Islamic superiority views and 'visions' of Islam taking over the UK. It's this kind of intolerance that gives the good Muslims of the world a bad name. There is free speech and their is also intolerance and disrespect to the nation that you live in. Like some other countries, disrespect and incitement to hate the country that you abide in should be punishable by deportation (if not a British Citizen). As it is, this website is already skirting a very fine line between free speech and race hate/ radicalisation.

All religion should be banned imo...
Right anyone protesting for those butt knockers need immediate exportation Imo. Same for any immigrant committing any crime.

Obviously see us as a big pushover which tbh with all this Political correctness nonsense going on we are!

The more and more I read all that religious Muslim tripe the more I get angry. Why do they think it's their right to change our laws which last time I checked they were in active use when they decided to migrate here! If they didn't agree to them why move here anyway?

I wouldn't go to Saudi Arabia and break their laws and criticise them for the way their women dress etc.

1986Uno45S said:
All religion should be banned imo...

Couldn't agree more, especially "this" sort of religion. It's the kinda stuff Hitler was made off tbh.
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Same for any immigrant committing any crime.

That's rather the way they see our troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.

These seem to be a group of religious nutters, rather like our own home grown Christian variety, two of whom rang my doorbell on Boxing Day :mad:

Woodton Bassett seems to have taken on the role as mourner in chief for the nation, with masses of hyped up and insincere emotion cranked up by the theatrical way in which the dead now arrive and are processed.

There seems little difference between this sentimentalized hype and the religious fiestas that occur in catholic countries; a good excuse to get out and perform in public really.

Afghanistan is a tragedy both for our troops and the Afghans. We are doing no good there and the everyone concerned is dying in vain. We are supposed to call the dead heroes, but they mostly are not, they are merely soldiers doing their duty. A great shame and something for which Blair and Brown should be eternally ashamed.

If some fanatical Muslims want to march in memory of their dead, why not, the whole thing is a farce anyway.