Islam4uk to march through Wooton Bassett

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Islam4uk to march through Wooton Bassett

I'm afraid that won't work either Mr Ffoxy. Look at the level of disagreement between Sunni and Shi'a Muslims. They are killing each other, killing us, we're killing them and it's all one big mess.

Something we should have learned by now is that the cause of most 'great wars' is religion. Ironic when each one preaches peace and love.

Sure Garee... which indicates how much of a purely Muslim issue this whole mess is. Lets leave it to them I say. That stance would of course force the UK to take a much firmer attitude towards immigration from Muslim countries in terms of who can and who cannot come here (Australia do this very well currently with ordinary immigration) as well as stepping up monitoring and "dissuasion" of fundamentalists already here. It doesnt mean we should take what is branded as "Christian fundamentalism" into countries abroad.
Unfortunately, I doubt leaving them to their own affairs will work either. They don't like our way of life - even down to copyrights, as found in the website from the OP...

I don't think storming into the middle east helped, but then again, in all fairness - 9/11 was before Afghanistan/Iraq. As much as I disagree with what the US/UK et al did, or are doing, each country was just trying to stop its own people being killed.

And with the Christian faith being forced on people - the time at which this was done has passed. Look to the Tudor times when this country's religion changed under each ruler. Islam is a relatively new religion, so I guess they are doing what Christians did years ago, now.
do the bell ends think when you join the army you can choose what wars you fight in? they :nutters: if they want to protest then they should go do it in the right place at the right time

Absolutely agree, Dave. All these idiots are trying to do is stir up trouble and turn folk against our boys and girls in the forces.
Like mentioned previously, ignoring them completely would make them look as pathetic and ridiculous as the really are. Turds like them don't deserve any attention at all.

I personally don't agree with various campains that our forces are involved in, but I still support them due to the fact they are doing an incredibly difficult job, and like any decent person I want to see them all home safe. Also like you rightly say - they can't choose the wars they fight in, and many of them disagree with what they are being asked to do, so supporting them is all any of us can do really.

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These extremists are cut from the same cloth as the BNP headcases, the Irish Nationalists, the Irish Loyalists. They are inadequates who are creating a cause for themselves in which they will be a somebody instead of a nobody.However, there are rather a lot of these guys, and it all boils down to them wanting power.Religion is a smoke screen.
It would be tempting to say let them get on with their pathetic march, but it will cause too much upset, and give them the oxygen of publicity.
If this was a proposed peaceful Christian march through the middle of Bradford during Ramadan it would be trodden on without further ado and nobody would be surprised.
The march should not be allowed, and the immediate ring leaders, Choudhry and his bearded weirdies should be banged up for inciting racial hatred.
Anyone on here seen this fbook page?

Just looked at it!
If you are a FB member, please ask these guys if Islam is so wonderful, why can it not allow other religions to co-exist alongside them? Why is a non-believer automatically the enemy? Seems like a lack of confidence to me.
And as an afterthought,if they believe that Christianity is all fairy stories (as many do, nowt wrong with that) then what kind of a fairy story is it that says if you blow yourself up you will somehow arrive in paradise and still be of use to x number of virgins?
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Not by the standards of the BNP idiot who darkened my doorstep the other day with hate mongering.
I'm going to be unpopular here and say that they've got a right to march. Let them march, let them put their (stupid and uninformed) opinion across. If you advocate violence towards these people it becomes and anti-Muslim thing and just ends up aggravating more reasonable Muslims.

Let them march, they'll make their noise, just ignore them and they'll get the idea.
I'm going to be unpopular here and say that they've got a right to march. Let them march, let them put their (stupid and uninformed) opinion across. If you advocate violence towards these people it becomes and anti-Muslim thing and just ends up aggravating more reasonable Muslims.

Let them march, they'll make their noise, just ignore them and they'll get the idea.
The irony of this is that if you or I hypothetically wanted to hold up a placard in say, Bradford, saying that Islam is a scam just to keep women down and that big Mo was a paedophile -arguing for freedom of speech wouldn't cut much ice. The police would arrest you, and then your house would be burnt down at the very least. But it is ok for these trouble makers to exercise their "freedom of expression" by organising this march. The significance of the fact that they may be allowed to because of our democracy would be lost in the bigger picture of publicity and sound bites.