House insurance shock

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House insurance shock

Oct 1, 2017
Edinburgh Scotland
Well, this surprised us. Our house and contents insurance is due soon and our existing provider has sent us a renewal quote for a fair bit more money so we decided to do "compare the market" etc and came up with introductory offers to other companies which our existing provider wouldn't match.

Rang up one of the best quotes from a big name company we recognized and after answering a lot of questions were told we wouldn't qualify for their offer due to the claim we made a couple of years ago. What claim? I don't remember making any claims on anything either home or motor for at least 35 years, and even then it was only for a carpet. The claim wasn't on them so they were unable to tell us what it was supposed to be for but they could tell us it was roughly two years ago. Mrs J's Elephantine memory could tell me right away who we were insured with then so I rang them up and got a very helpful chap in their claims department who explained it had been for the replacement of a roofing panel to our wee conservatory.

It came back to me in detail then. We'd had the windows in the house all replaced with "super dooper" new double glazed sun reflecting windows and whilst they were stripping out the old window above the conservatory they'd literally "dropped a brick" onto it's roof which had made a hole a little bigger than a 50p piece in the plastic roof panel before then rolling down the roof, scratching it and dislodging the gutter. The window fitter tried to disclaim responsibility but I luckily found the brick in the garden with a bit of the plastic still wedged in it. With the window fitter still refusing to have anything to do with it I rang our insurance to see what the situation might be if I had to make a claim - Now know not to do that!

I got a bit angry with this belligerent fitter and ended up phoning his boss who came round that evening, was very pleasant, said it was entirely their fault and agreed to replace the entire panel. Lovely outcome. I rang the insurance company the next morning and explained the situation confirming with them that my inquiry had been just that, only an inquiry, and I would not be making a claim as the glazing company was sorting it all out.

I explained all this to the claims chap who then read through the notes on the file and said yes, that's exactly what he had down here, no claim made or payed out and your no claims unaffected. So why am I now having a problem with quotes I asked. He said the problem is that it's logged on the system that you inquired about a claim so that means you would possibly consider making a claim for something else which makes you a higher risk customer. Apparently it's going to be about 5 years or so without us making a claim before this risk is considered to be ameliorated!

In the meantime, although no-one is refusing to insure us, it seems to be adding around £100 to that quote. I'm now going to try contacting a few more to see if they are all going to do this to me. Seems very unfair doesn't it? The lesson seems to be not to contact your insurance provider unless you are making a claim for sure!
It's the same with car insurance even if no claim is made you are supposed to declare any accidents/damage

And then they out your price up next as as there figure's say somebody who has one accident is more likely to have another so you are now a higher risk
Well I think we were just unlucky to hit on that company first. Now found nearly all doing it for about a £20 additional premium whereas that first company was loading £100 on to it. Just chosen a big name company and renewed with them. The rep on the phone said she'd put an additional note on the record clarifying that no claim was made and no money was paid out, which might help on future quotes? Still seems a bit "Naff" that I'm being penalized when I've cost no-one any money and never made a claim.
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We had a similar problem quite a few years ago. Iron dropped off the board and landed hot side down on the carpet. Not a big issue, as this is in the back bedroom, used as music room, ironing, sewing, etc. Now mostly junk accumulation, but still the ironing room.
I spoke to the insurance company about a new carpet, and found that after the excess, and a higher premium the following year, it was cheaper to just buy another carpet. I transferred the burnt one to the smaller front room, where the burnt bit is mostly hidden under furniture. At renewal, quote was significantly higher. Same story as you. So I argued, and negotiated, and got it back to where it should be. Stayed with them for enough time for the claim to 'disappear'.

Iron got dropped again, about 6 months after new carpet fitted. So it stayed. Still like it now. Not happeneing again, as I now do all the ironing.
Well I think we were just unlucky to hit on that company first. Now found nearly all doing it for about a £20 additional premium whereas that first company was loading £100 on to it. Just chosen a big name company and renewed with them. The rep on the phone said she'd put an additional note on the record clarifying that no claim was made and no money was paid out, which might help on future quotes? Still seems a bit "Naff" that I'm being penalized when I've cost no-one any money and never made a claim.
Your story confirms what many others have discovered over the last few years. The "computer says no" scenario.
We had a similar situation a few years ago when a tile fell off our neighbour's roof and made a big ding in my boot lid. I phoned up my insurer just for advice but it never became a claim because my neighbour paid for it to be repaired (badly as it turned out!)
The trouble is us older folk are too honest and reasonable and think that a "what if" question is just that until sold otherwise. Just as well you didn't phone up and ask what would the situation be if your house collapsed due to mining subsidence or similar!
Glad you got it sorted.
The trouble is us older folk are too honest and reasonable and think that a "what if" question is just that until sold otherwise. Just as well you didn't phone up and ask what would the situation be if your house collapsed due to mining subsidence or similar!
Glad you got it sorted.

Aye, the world doesn't seem to play by the rules we grew up with any more. I suppose every generation comes to that understanding as the years roll by?

I thought I was already quite careful with security related "stuff" but I'm now resolved to widen that and be very wary of telling anyone anything which might impact stuff like this. Of course I'll have to be careful it doesn't backfire on me by disclosing too little and giving them another chance to invalidate the cover? Probably you just can't win?
At my last house insurance renewal, a month or so ago, I think I frightened the advisor. I suggested it would be great if the house collapsed, as being a 70s house, it is poorly and cheaply built, and the replacement would be far better. He'd asked about subsidence or flood, and my reply was "That'd be nice".

The tiny hill we're on is sand, so will settle and become solid. Unlike clay that can move continually. As the house was built in 1975, it should have finished any minor settling a long time ago. Flood risk is low. Being half-way up the hill, by the time we see a flood, 80% of the town would have disappeared, so I think the house would be far from a priority.
Just renewed my House insurance too. Chris Knott to the rescue and we at last have a decent policy with full cover for detached garage contents. Not cheap, but very reasonable cost for the cover no one else could or would provide. I think it was another £65 for the extra cover and the entire policy is at least two steps up with a lot less wriggle out of it clauses all round. The entire process took less than 3 minutes to complete too.
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Please feel free to give us a try for house insurance if you wish.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha I think not, I'm not made of money. If the cost is as daft as the car insurance quote you can keep it! I really couldn't be bothered wasting time with companies that think I'm either careless or thick!
Well I think we were just unlucky to hit on that company first. Now found nearly all doing it for about a £20 additional premium whereas that first company was loading £100 on to it. Just chosen a big name company and renewed with them. The rep on the phone said she'd put an additional note on the record clarifying that no claim was made and no money was paid out, which might help on future quotes? Still seems a bit "Naff" that I'm being penalized when I've cost no-one any money and never made a claim.

Typical mindless so and so's. I agree with your later comment about being too honest. What is the point of dealing with trash outfits that behave like this. I really don't mind paying fair money for a decent service. This sort of thing really ****** me off! When will these firms realise how much business they loose by poor service.
I'm sure the whole insurance business is totally screwed and unfair. I recall in the past that being in a no fault accident and having a long standing no accident and certainly no fault history my insurance premium would go up regardless as I would be considered a higher risk.

This begs the question of fair treatment, discrimination, human rights (being penalised for something unfairly) etc. etc.

Yet the insurance companies still get away with it. Seems like "back door" additional funding verging on illegal business practices.

What is even worse is that this all tends to lead to dishonesty. Forcing/encouraging people to say NO to questions like "have you had any losses ........"

Big financially strong firms generally underwrite their own losses where they can. Same goes goes for home owners who drop a vase or spill wine on a carpet and then self fund reinstatement/cleaning. These people have already paid a cost yet the insurance industry want's to doubly benefit.
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I claimed for a ceiling brought down by a water leak. We had recently bought the house and the one room that did not need work was ruined - not to mention furniture damaged. I probably came out ok (eventually) but for the the amount of hassle with loss adjusters, etc it was barely worth it.

I now see house and contents insurance as disaster cover. Claims for almost anything below that are not worth the cost.
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I agree with most of the previous comments. House insurance, my then mortgage company said they were no longer providing cover in my postcode area due to subsidence, I insured with another company and saved 50% thank you Halifax! A few years later they contacted me to offer house insurance again when they realised they had cocked up and no more houses had fallen down. No way, elephants and me being ripped off have long memories.
Many years ago with 60% No Claims private car Insurance I started a Motortrade Policy with then General Accident and was told I would have to start from Zero again, nearly 40 years later when I retired having made no claims and wanting a private car policy I was told I would have to start again at Zero! I can't think how they get a bad name;)
I agree with most of the previous comments. House insurance, my then mortgage company said they were no longer providing cover in my postcode area due to subsidence, I insured with another company and saved 50% thank you Halifax! A few years later they contacted me to offer house insurance again when they realised they had cocked up and no more houses had fallen down. No way, elephants and me being ripped off have long memories.
Many years ago with 60% No Claims private car Insurance I started a Motortrade Policy with then General Accident and was told I would have to start from Zero again, nearly 40 years later when I retired having made no claims and wanting a private car policy I was told I would have to start again at Zero! I can't think how they get a bad name;)
Me too.
Seems predictably torily normal. Loading for age, location, lack of security etc etc then loading for claims, pressure to carry a huge excess, reluctance to pay out etc etc. Bash the no claims discount for any reason, There is a word for these greedy people. I think I will tell them to take a hike on contents cover and cut back the buildings cover to a basic policy this year. Car hardly used for three years and insurer wanted 3x the last premium this year. I too changed and saved £1000 for equal cover. Then you get the age loading. NFU Mutal were trying to get my mother to pay a gynormous sum for her car. Compare the market found a better policy for £800 less. So much for 50 years of loyal customership with minimal claims! They really are all the same.
NFU Mutual claim they care, are good and have 95% customer retention. I used them too many years ago, but wouldnt even consider them now at any or even no cost. I hope they are pleased with thei excellent customer service.
Do you provide builder risk insurance if yes then let me know, I need a builder risk coverage for my new project
That lot wanter £3000 more than teh existing cost to take on our cars a coup,e of years back. Forum discout my deriere.
Me too.
Seems predictably torily normal. Loading for age, location, lack of security etc etc then loading for claims, pressure to carry a huge excess, reluctance to pay out etc etc. Bash the no claims discount for any reason, There is a word for these greedy people. I think I will tell them to take a hike on contents cover and cut back the buildings cover to a basic policy this year. Car hardly used for three years and insurer wanted 3x the last premium this year. I too changed and saved £1000 for equal cover. Then you get the age loading. NFU Mutal were trying to get my mother to pay a gynormous sum for her car. Compare the market found a better policy for £800 less. So much for 50 years of loyal customership with minimal claims! They really are all the same.
NFU Mutual claim they care, are good and have 95% customer retention. I used them too many years ago, but wouldnt even consider them now at any or even no cost. I hope they are pleased with thei excellent customer service.
An old customer of mine had his Scudo camper insured with them, A ladies car rolled into it and wrote it off whilst parked , her insurer accepted liability, he was paid market value then when later he queried a price increase he was told it was due to them needing to claw back the difference in his agreed payoff and what her company finally paid NFU Mutual! He is still fighting it!
My other moan is banks.
Many years ago I asked the branch where I had my business account with, for a loan to buy workshop premises. The loan was refused on the grounds that the site wasn't worth the money, within 12 months it sold for over three times what I had been trying to borrow. To this day I wonder if one of their pals bought it to speculate!
To rub it in further, when it was too late to do anything I learnt my mortgage provider for my house would have loaned me the money against my house and at a cheaper rate!!! Silly me thinking I would get a better deal from the bank I had held an account with since 1969!