After the spring is compresed unscrew nut number 6. And your part with bearing inside will be possible to get off.. this is part number 1. The bearing is inside of this number 1. You can only change the bearing inside or you can get the whole number 1 new. Also take care when releasing the spring if all 3 pieces are in same aligment. Because when you squeeze the spring, you can rotate all 3 differently, namely the strout, the spring, and the top cap with bearing. In rotational manner you should put them back in the same...
Funny note: when the car is in air its normal that the part num 9 is squized down to the chassis and when you put the car on the ground it is not - its actually few mm in air, looking like its loose, but it isnt, that gap is so it can spin around without friction.
Report if you come accross any issues