can i be cruel?

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can i be cruel?

Aug 4, 2004
would it be ok? just to be a bit......nasty......,,11050-2007440204,00.html

now i didnt see the show, i'm not that way inclined radio 1 provided the story, but......bravo mr cowell, better to put her out of our misery now, than allow her, and the families, self delusions continue, i beleive he said something along the lines of:

"just becuase you've won a couple of donkey derbies, doesn't make you a grand national winner"

btw, does anyone else find the thought of dad, designing, cutting and stitching a dress for daughter.....a little odd?
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i actualy watched that. and it was obvious that she was there because her family were making her. admittedly she was rubbish. but like he said it was wrong for them to convince her otherwise.

then again the way x factor works it only puts the best and the worst ones through. they do little pre-auditions to ensure good telly and to fit everyone in. My friend who is a stunning singer didn't get past those. so no chance for me to laugh at her on the telly.(n)
life is far too short to sit around watching the x factor. do you really want your last breath to be filled with regret? :p
Your on the show to be judged. Good or bad. I cant understand when people cant take it. They know what simon cowell is like, yet decide that there not happy. The guy gets 90 secs of abuse from you, then goes on his private jet home, lapping it up in the millions of money hes earned. Lol.

nah you gotta watch the 1st stage auditions,there great.
after that i donrt see the point of watching

Kind of like watching a circus freak show isn't it? "And next up is the lady with 5 chins who can't sing" :p

Your on the show to be judged. Good or bad. I cant understand when people cant take it. They know what simon cowell is like, yet decide that there not happy. The guy gets 90 secs of abuse from you, then goes on his private jet home, lapping it up in the millions of money hes earned. Lol.

Simon Cowell is a total tosser and has single handedly wrecked the music business with the contrived pap he's pushed out over the years. However, he's made millions by being a clever tosser and skilfully manipulating the market. Those that parade themselves in front of him knowing what he is like are big loser tossers. If you want to get famous by being an entertainer you need something that most 'X Factorers' don't have. That being the single word 'talent'.


And Jug is right. Life is way too short to sit watching zombie television like the X Factor. For those that are old enough to remember:

"Why don't you just switch off your television set and go and do something less boring instead"
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Whats a tosser ;) :D

Agreed with the level of music produced, but people will buy it. Regardless, cant fault the man. We all would in his position.



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