A couple of years ago, I replaced the fan heater and resistor after the fan packed up.
I now have 2 more issues which are:
1: The fan only comes on in the 1,2,and 3 position...nothing in the 4 position.
2: Regardless of how long the engine has been running, the heater only blows cold air out of the vents.
I have read various threads and have been left a little confused as some say it's a resistor problem and some a wiring one with regards no power on 4.
I have no idea as to why it is only blowing cold.
Any help in resolving these issues would be greatly appreciated.
I don't want to take it to a garage if possible and am looking to fix it cheaply as I'm not intending on having the car for too much longer, but it's blummin' freezing in it and a pain to demist the windows!
I now have 2 more issues which are:
1: The fan only comes on in the 1,2,and 3 position...nothing in the 4 position.
2: Regardless of how long the engine has been running, the heater only blows cold air out of the vents.
I have read various threads and have been left a little confused as some say it's a resistor problem and some a wiring one with regards no power on 4.
I have no idea as to why it is only blowing cold.
Any help in resolving these issues would be greatly appreciated.
I don't want to take it to a garage if possible and am looking to fix it cheaply as I'm not intending on having the car for too much longer, but it's blummin' freezing in it and a pain to demist the windows!