what would you like to see off the UK roads?

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what would you like to see off the UK roads?

All flipping bicycles especially those using bus lanes. I slow, give them room, pass, and then have to do it again after I have picked up my passengers. PITA.
- People who tailgate. Anywhere. In any circumstances. I always make sure to slow slightly down if anyone tailgates me. Safety first, and all that! ;)

- People on their phones

- Jaded taxi drivers who don't indicate / have any lane discipline / care about anything anymore

- People who oscillate between 60 and 75 continuously on motorways / dual carriageways

- Pot holes and speed bumps!

The environmental impact of speedbumps must be massive. Instead of maintaining a steady 25/30 through a town, people are doing 30 - 10 - 30 - 10 - 30, all the time. Must waste so much fuel. Not to mention trashing suspension :(
- People who tailgate. Anywhere. In any circumstances. I always make sure to slow slightly down if anyone tailgates me. Safety first, and all that! ;)

My advanced driving instructor gave me a handy tip... -- if you're going a reasonable speed (above 40 should do it...), give your windscreen a thorough wash! Even if your jets are correctly angled, the spray should be enough, at that speed, to momentarily slow the j*rk behind you down a little. If he then tailgates you again, rinse and repeat.... :devil:

Otherwise, slow down, and let the idiot pass: to wreak mayhem (hopefully in a hedge; and not involving anyone else...) somewhere else.... :eek:
I experienced this one this week on my way from the north to South Wales. Closing the junction 7 to 10 of the M6 without any warning or matrix signs. And nothing online to warn drivers of this.

Had I known, I would have planned ahead and taken the M1. Getting to the hotel at 1.30am was not what I intended.

And on this subject. Nighttime repairs on motorways starting at 8.30 or 9pm. They close 2 out of 3 lanes when the motorway is still pretty busy, and then the workers sit in their vans for hours waiting to start. Us motorists have to squeeze past in the one open lane at 20mph.

The 3 miles of cones and no work being done also wrangles.
Many times i've wanted to fit a 2nd bottle and pump possibly in boot and attach it to my car, on the backend

So when you get a tailgator - flick a switch, and they get sprayed with smelly water :)

Apprently spraying fart spary out the window works as well


Liquid Ass via an open sun roof works better. ;)
Don't get me started on misuse of lights, I hate when other drivers switch headlights on way before its dark, it just dazzles me for no reason, I'd be able to see you better if you didn't have your lights on :bang:
Cyclists with flashing lights are incredibly annoying, is it even legal? Flashing lights just seem pointless to me on a bike, I can see you fine with an ordinary light....

People who speed up when you attempt overtake :mad:

Flashing lights are legal and are MUST for any sane cyclist. You might see them but as a cyclist I can tell u that 90% of female drivers don't. I can only assume that they have all mirrors pointing at them so they can do their make up while driving instead off looking out for things.

The only problem from male drivers while cycling through London I get is occasional road rage when I assume position on a narrow road to keep myself safe from van driver trying to over take me and knocking me off the bike. But I quite fast so it's very rare. But 99% of all hairy moments I had so far are down to female driver not looking!!!

I used to drive a van so I know what annoys drivers and I know what annoy cyclists so I avoid doing both.

I would volunteer to catch and fine cyclist that just red light. Those idiots giving real cyclist a bad name!
I just stop the car works like a charm

Which in itself is breaking the law (if done suddenly without indication) however tempting or understandable. I tend to gradually slow down to the point where they get the idea and back off or overtake, both of which is acceptable to me ;). I'd rather have them in front of me having an accident I can avoid than rear ending me and causing me loads of grief getting my car fixed.
There's no point getting upset about tailgaters. Just pull as far left as possible so they can see safely past you to overtake. This works especially well if there are muddy puddles near the verge. ;)
Which in itself is breaking the law (if done suddenly without indication) however tempting or understandable. I tend to gradually slow down to the point where they get the idea and back off or overtake, both of which is acceptable to me ;). I'd rather have them in front of me having an accident I can avoid than rear ending me and causing me loads of grief getting my car fixed.

I definitely don't brake suddenly unless I really have to I decrease my speed and most of the time they stay back
There's no point getting upset about tailgaters.

Normally, I'd agree. However, two of the b*gg*rs put me in hospital; and I have the metalwork holding my head on to my body to prove it.... :mad:

Usually -- as I wrote somewhere else on this forum, a few days ago... -- I too use the windscreen washer trick (if going at a fast enough speed); then slow down, and find a suitable spot to pull over, if they insist on being p*ll*cks. :(

However, sometimes, a sharp dab of the brake with the left foot (when I have no clutch to dip...), whilst simultaneously prodding the loud pedal with the right, can have a similar disarming effect.... I neither want them rear-ending me (again), nor to find them embedded in someone-else's car, just around the next blind bend.... (n)
daylight saving lights are lethal!!

introduced to supposedly lower accident rates, as they have studies to show this, yet other studies show they increase accident rates...


just had a demo of them off a mate, and they shine as far, and nearly as brightly as with the headlights on or off.....2 seconds looking into these WAY TOO BRIGHT lights, and i feel concussed until the next day (n) or -

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My advanced driving instructor gave me a handy tip... -- if you're going a reasonable speed (above 40 should do it...), give your windscreen a thorough wash! Even if your jets are correctly angled, the spray should be enough, at that speed, to momentarily slow the j*rk behind you down a little. If he then tailgates you again, rinse and repeat.... :devil:

ideal if its winter and they use their wipers when their jets are frozen :devil:

but then the :tosser: 's just drive the same blind.... :eek:

i want some of these :idea: :devil: :wave:

my wiper jet holes are not pointing far enough north to take out the tail gaters.........need to find a needle..........;)