Tax disc big mistake.

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Tax disc big mistake.


Distinguished member
May 23, 2011
Norfolk UK
Interesting news article has appeared today. Basically last year the government binned the tax disc to replace it with ANPR systems which would enforce the law regarding untaxed cars, and in doing so the government would save £10million a year.

Hasn't really worked and now the amount of untaxed cars on the road has doubled and is now costing the government £80million in lost revenue (up from £40million)

So what was supposed to save £10m has resulted in a net loss of £30m..... Well played government.

Untaxed UK vehicles double, says Department for Transport
Well...they've taken it from something that could be enforced by any police unit, to something that can only be enforced by ANPR equipped police units unless they spend every day checking every car that passes them..although they are twice as likely to strike it lucky.
I love the governments best laid plans...... They never seem to work.

Incidentally just a bit of topic but i read in a classic car mag the other day that despite the paper tax disc being defunct it still maybe an offence to display an out of date one? Can anyone clarify this as I want to display one in my 126

If it is I walked past 50+ risking a fine on my lunch, the police would have to be a special kind vindictive to waste time on enforcing that even if it was still on the statute book.
Incidentally just a bit of topic but i read in a classic car mag the other day that despite the paper tax disc being defunct it still maybe an offence to display an out of date one? Can anyone clarify this as I want to display one in my 126

My Alfetta saloon (which is taxed) is currently displaying a disc that ran out in November 1982, and I've not had my collar felt yet... :)
I love the governments best laid plans...... They never seem to work.

Incidentally just a bit of topic but i read in a classic car mag the other day that despite the paper tax disc being defunct it still maybe an offence to display an out of date one? Can anyone clarify this as I want to display one in my 126

get yourself a "Guinness label":D
Interesting news article has appeared today. Basically last year the government binned the tax disc to replace it with ANPR systems which would enforce the law regarding untaxed cars, and in doing so the government would save £10million a year.

Hasn't really worked and now the amount of untaxed cars on the road has doubled and is now costing the government £80million in lost revenue (up from £40million)

So what was supposed to save £10m has resulted in a net loss of £30m..... Well played government.

I wonder how much of that shortfall is offset by the extra cash the government makes from cars which now have to be taxed twice in the month they are sold?

I suspect one consequence of this latest data is that penalties will rise substantially to raise the stakes for anyone thinking of chancing their arm.
Funny you should say that. Every time I've tried to SORN a car they ignore my request and have sent me a penalty notice. This has happened twice on two different cars now. Both times I had to use the postal form due to lack of V5.

I paid the first one because I couldn't be chewed with the hassle. The second one I have no intention of paying.
Before the new system you could always claim the tax back if you sold a car and this was very common practice in the motor trade so even if it was the first of the month you'd lose the whole month's tax. The AAs estimate (and it is only an estimate) doesn't take this into account so it's not known how much the DVLA use to gain from this.

Right but how many cars were sold with tax insitu? Whereas now both old owner and new owner pay for the same month.
I could be transferring my car to my wife, the tax will be a problem.

Can you tell dvla it "will be " sold on xxx day (at end of month) when sending off for a refund, then her get new tax on 1st of the following month? (assuming its kept off road during in between time).