Perhaps manufacturers could/should do away with this stupid, cluttered arrangement of warning, information & hard to read dials in favour of something more up to date?
Some months ago I mentioned, on here, about using an OBD plug with bluetooth coupled with a smartphone as a digital dash.
If all car companies did away with the old dash & simply used a large tablet, the driver could have as much or as little info on display as he/she wishes.
Any problems arise & the warning could simply be displayed along the bottom of the screen in written format.
This would surely solve a lot of problems?
For me, I could position the tablet so I could actually see all of the display (even with my steering wheel adjusted I still cannot see through the top of the steering wheel!). I could have it display a very large, green, indicator arrow (and maybe have sound as well) - the current ones are mostly hidden behind the steering wheel & the relay isn't audible.
I would be able to read my speed more accurately - my dash only displays 20, 40, 60, 80mph (with tiny marks in between), not really much use in a country where the main speeds seem to be 30, 50 and 70!
It would also mean that, instead of a general warning light (EML, for example), the display could give a more accurate indication of what is wrong.