Mobile phone directory...

Currently reading:
Mobile phone directory...

Unlike normal directory services you don't get their number.

What happens is with the text service you request for example 'Hellcat'. They say yes we have Hellcat in our directory. You pay us £1 and we'll send a text to Hellcat saying you want to contact them.

In the phone service they will phone Hellcat up while you are on the call and say we have you on the phone, do you want to speak with them?
Had a text on this earlier... text E to 118800 to be excluded.

Have read and article on it which suggests you may be automatically added to the directory depending on who you have phoned for commercial reasons and used your moby as a contact number.

The people operating the directory have stated they wont give out your details or number, but for £1 they will forward your call if you ring them and provide either the name, & the town where the person you want to call lives.

They then ring the person and ask if they will take the call, kind of like a transferred call, if you say no, the caller gets nothing.

Bit of a liberty I think, if I want my mobile number published to the world I want to be asked first, not expected to be excluded.

Edit :- damn you Hellcat :) I was 2 minutes too late....
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