Lets put pressure on rising fuel prices

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Lets put pressure on rising fuel prices

Then Tory's get in? and so get more tax and privatise everything then again labour is Tory now

The problem with having a multi-party system is that one set of muppets can take power with a minority vote, simply because they get a few more percent of the votes than the rest. I think one time someone got in with about 34% or thereabouts, meaning that 66% of the turnout didn't vote for them - so the majority of the population don't want a particular party - but have to suffer their policies.
What I can't stand is when the parties publish their policies beforehand then do a complete turnaround after taking power - yet are never brought to book on their deciet.
All the major parties are the same, they are all in it for the money brigade.
Sorry to have to say but when you look at the way the working man has to subsidise the ever growing army of scroungers, is it any wonder that parties with few scruples are gaining seats.
Sorry to have to say but when you look at the way the working man has to subsidise the ever growing army of scroungers, is it any wonder that parties with few scruples are gaining seats.

Gotta be fair.... They are presently clamping down on the Unemployment and Social benefit scroungers...and immigration issues

My guess is they wont start addressing the fuel tax issue until nearer the next General Election. They know its an unpopular issue and they will use to win some favour back.
I vote labour since that's all i half believe in

If you had been around in the 70s and early 80s you might think differently. Mass strikes, power cuts, 3 day weeks, industrial unrest, rocketing inflation and interest rates, high unemployment.

In fairness this Government is not doing bad in comparision to some we have had. Employment is high, inflation is bubbling and interest rates look like they are gonna come down...... BUT there is still a lot of room for improvement and they need to sweeten up a lot more of the electorate to get another term.
Well more benefits for the working man and his kids :) just cause my parents own a bit don't mean i get given petrol money.

Also most of the people on benefits are unemployable would you employ some one who is used to getting up one day per week signing on then going back home I admit they are some people who want to do work but cant.

I also like immigrants the vast majority do work

70s 80s wasnt that fatcher?
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BUT there is still a lot of room for improvement and they need to sweeten up a lot more of the electorate to get another term.

Yes as in everyone who earns £1000 a week or less or is under 25......

There is not a young person I know that isn't very angry at our current government, hell everyone I know is!. Its a shocking state of affairs when a couple with a baby is better of financially when split up than when together. Its also beyond a joke when the average Joe with an average salary (double minimum wage) cant afford to buy a house because of artificially inflated prices.

Then theres this benefit scrounging underclass who think the world owes them something for being alive :doh:. Some of these people, mostly the ones on disability live a better life style than me. I know of one family with 2 new cars big house, 2 x 40"+ 1080P HD TV's every game console thats out 4 pc's etc etc. Makes me loose the will to live :bang:.
Also most of the people on benefits are unemployable would you employ some one who is used to getting up one day per week signing on then going back home I admit they are some people who want to do work but cant.

Those people need a boot up the arse, if there not willing to learn a skilled trade of their own back they can sweep the streets, clean toilets, remove graffiti from subways etc.

There are genuinely disabled people out their that would need help financially but I dare say 80% of the people claiming could work doing something!.

A close friend of mine completely ruined his back being in the armed forces and is constantly on morphine and all sorts of other very strong pain killers and he works and contributes to society.
Have a look at prices for Diesel in Europe on the AA's site
The UK not only has the highest priced Diesel in Europe, it also seems to be the only country that charges more for Diesel than petrol. We also have the 2nd highest price for petrol.
This is madness and something has to be done about it. Everything we buy in the shops is more expensive than it needs to be because it's all delivered by lorry and every time the Government put the price of Diesel up, the haulage companies follow and the prices go up in the shops.
I know the French wouldn't put up with it. The last time Diesel went too high in France the lorry drivers stopped work and it went back down again.
More than 2 thirds of the price of a litre of Diesel is tax, and it's taxed twice as the oil co's pay tax then it's taxed again at the pumps.
We're not all rich in this country so why does our government treat us as if we are all millionaires that will pay up no matter what the price is?
We are all just mugs.
And when they put 1p on the price of a litre you hear newsreaders saying "a barrel of oil has just risen..."
Then the next programme takes us to a third world country where everyone drives something or other (which usually burns gallons of oil judging by the blue smoke), everyone smokes like a chimney & the average weekly wage is calculated in pennies.
And we see news footage of a disaster in America, thousands of vehicles gridlocked trying to get out of the city - each vehicle is a huge 6litre (and the rest!) 4x4 SUV that drinks more fuel while it's idling than the average UK vehicle).
This increase in Tax on Petrol/fuel is getting out of hand...everyone knows this but looking at the wider scope its naive to think that a boycott as such would help.... look at recent increases in council taxes/rates/cost of living/electric and gas/ house pricing/ relative to peoples earnings.... at the rate its going there is going to have to be a natural recession...

petrol prices since 1995 have gone from about 45p a litre to what it is now...

house prices have increased dramaticaly since then too, 1998 3 bedroom detached up north was 65-70k.... same house is now at 175k..... well my parents that is..

relative peoples earnings have not increased with that, Now average age for leaving home and getting your own place is 28... and i know for a fact not many people even at 28 will easily be able to do it...

i agree fuel prices are stupid but what else can you do, labour government is sapping the law abiding working people, to feed wars/immigration/and dirty sponging coke heads....
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if i see the email one more time i thing im going to get really angry :mad:

first of all we had it doing the rounds at work, then i had it sent to me by some random perosn via facebook message, then i checked my googlemail account and i had something in there, and now i got it in my hotmail account :bang:
i agree fuel prices are stupid but what else can you do, labour gorvernment is sapping the law abiding working people, to feed wars/immigrantion/and dirty sponging coke heads....

Last year I did some work at a large nursing home where the majority of the care workers were foreign. There was much unrest amongst the English workers because they found out by accident that the foreign workers were being paid far more than them - their money was being made up by the Government so their salary was almost equivalent to that of the senior nurses:eek:, something to do with encouraging skills into this country.
I was only there for a week or so, so never found out how the story ended but I guess they'd be told 'tough, if you don't like it, go work elsewhere'.
Oddly enough, 4 night staff were sacked because they were found fast asleep during the night. Turns out they were employed as night staff at one home & day staff at another (with different names). Seems they spent much of their shift sleeping!
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