Technical changing spark plugs

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Technical changing spark plugs

It's easy & you can do it yourself. Just remove the airbox to get access to the plugs.

Use some of the money you are saving to buy Iridium plugs - NGK DCPR7EIX is a good choice (about £25 on ebay) & you won't need to change them again for another 5yrs/50000 miles.

There is a good and currently active thread on this subject in the 500 section just now.
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The plugs on on the side nearest the bulk head.

Don't attempt this job with a hot engine, allow it to cool a while.

Remove the front part of the airbox and filter the a couple of bolts will allow the airbox to be lifted from the throttle body.

The plug caps are quite tightly fitting and require a little tugging to get off. Pull the caps, not the leads as you might pull the lead from the cap.

Do one plug at a time in case you mix up the leads.

A ratchet, extension and plug socket will reach each plug, though you may have to shove a few bits and pieces out the way to get at the inner two plugs.

To get the new plug in, slip a couple of inches of hose/tubing over the (insulated) end of the plug.
This will help you hold it in the recess and start screwing it in straight by hand.
The plugs screw into a alloy cylinder head and it's not unheard of to cross thread them and ruin the threads in the cylinder head.

They don't need lots of torque to tighten the plugs, screw them in until the stop, then a firm "nip" with the spanner is enough.
DO NOT swing on them with all your might with a long handled ratchet!

A firm push down of the caps on to the plugs will see them seated.

I think there is a small hose on the under side of the airbox that will need fitting as you line up the 'box to refit.
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I've got a 2014 Fiat Panda with 19k on the clock. Had it for a year but have no idea if the previous owner ever got round to replacing the plugs. Intend to buy a set and do it myself just for peace of mind. I was only able to get at 3 of the plugs on my Fiat Punto so lets hope that this one is a bit easier.