anyone know any good fiesta forums ?

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anyone know any good fiesta forums ?

There's a good site I know - - they have a small forum too. :)
A "good" ford forum? why it doesn't exist. You are blind before you taste FIAT cars etc, etc. :rolleyes:

Seriously though, I always find a good read, some of the resto's are quite simply fantastic :cool:
General how to get rid asap would be a good start before it starts rotting round your ears.

My daughter had an N reg which appeared to be immaculate and then all of a sudden front & back vallance & rear arches rotted through, engine sounded like a bag of bolts, and even though all the suspension arms & bushes had only been replaced 2yrs earlier they were knackered again (common fault I was told :( ) Had to fit RS bumpers to hide the mess. But all's well that ends well she got £1000 trade in on a new punto sport.


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Alan.D said:
General how to get rid asap would be a good start before it starts rotting round your ears.

My daughter had an N reg which appeared to be immaculate and then all of a sudden front & back vallance & rear arches rotted through, engine sounded like a bag of bolts, and even though all the suspension arms & bushes had only been replaced 2yrs earlier they were knackered again (common fault I was told :( ) Had to fit RS bumpers to hide the mess. But all's well that ends well she got £1000 trade in on a new punto sport.

You got off fairly lightly :p What Fiesta was it? My M reg had a truckload of bits fitted over 2 years - for example, alternator, 3 exhausts (none of them would fit :confused: ), suspension bushes, engine performance went down drastically (thought I'd do a service, did it and it was still crap :() Engine then went down the toilet at the grand old age of 83K with a bust crank and wrecking the bottom end. Didn't even get £100 for it in the end. The shell did seem pretty solid though :chin:
christopher watson said:
Apart from a rusty fuel filler i bet :)

No, that bit was OK :) My Festa was a mark 3.5 - they didn't suffer from it as bad as the mark 3.
this fiesta is a basic 1.3 n reg mk4

it has done 103k still going strong allthouigh is running a little rich have noticed that the temp needle dont move up enough so am thinking new thermostat will sort that and correct running temp may help the richness. also gonna chuck in a new air filter. new plugs and injertor cleaner are in now they helping but should be able to get some more mpg out of her other things she doing sumtimes is when cruising she wil miss a beat never when accelerating only when you cruising along at a constant speed im thinking this could all be down to richness. it me mums car so i have to be nice to it :D even if i dont like it. interior is spotless was quite surprised.
thefishdude said:
this fiesta is a basic 1.3 n reg mk4

it has done 103k still going strong allthouigh is running a little rich have noticed that the temp needle dont move up enough so am thinking new thermostat will sort that and correct running temp may help the richness. also gonna chuck in a new air filter. new plugs and injertor cleaner are in now they helping but should be able to get some more mpg out of her other things she doing sumtimes is when cruising she wil miss a beat never when accelerating only when you cruising along at a constant speed im thinking this could all be down to richness. it me mums car so i have to be nice to it :D even if i dont like it. interior is spotless was quite surprised.

What info are you exactly looking for?
ermm well car is having slight problem when you just cruising at speed any speed after a coupel of mins car strats to miss a beat and pulsl back. so you have to drop down and accelerate back up then car is fine again for another couple of minutes.. also noticed exhaust was very black, i was thinking that maybe its running to rich. also temp needle onlt just goes over 1/4 wich to me suggests thermostat gone wich made me think that it was causing engien to run cold and over fuel hence running rich. i have never owned a ford or worked on one before so was hoping someone could tell me if my theory was right or if they had any other idea.

n reg 1.3. mk4 fiesta.