Technical top strut front suspension pictures

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Technical top strut front suspension pictures

Nov 7, 2013
could someone help me with top strut issue on front suspension are the bar codes meant to be at back so you can read them and arrow pointing forward and the top of the coil metal plate where at he nicks in the metal meant to be towards the engine or towards the road had to leave in bits and forgot

pictures would be awesome


After doing my springs v.recently

There are 5 parts to the top mount
Spring cup -> top bearing -> large locking nut (feed stud up through car) -> then a cup -> final nut

The springs cup has a square notch in it
This notch MUST point inline with the swivel hub bolt section if this is wrong itll cause springs to boing everytime as they bow instead of compress
The top mounts (bearings) have arrows
These point to the rear of the vehicle

After doing my springs v.recently

There are 5 parts to the top mount
Spring cup -> top bearing -> large locking nut (feed stud up through car) -> then a cup -> final nut

The springs cup has a square notch in it
This notch MUST point inline with the swivel hub bolt section if this is wrong itll cause springs to boing everytime as they bow instead of compress
The top mounts (bearings) have arrows
These point to the rear of the vehicle


im going to be frank now
if i was a newbie this post would totally confuse me

sometimes less is best