General tail light problems

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General tail light problems


New member
May 15, 2010
hi everyone, newbie here from ireland, have a 04 panda 1.1 active, love the little car but have being having a bit of a problems with the tail lights,
when i turn the lights on the rear lights stay on for a second or so and then turn off, i've checked the relay in the front and swapped it with the one for the horn with no sucsess,
does anyone have any idea's what it is, cheers
have you checked the fitting of the bulbs themselves, are they secure and are the connections to the taillights in good condition and secure. my mum had a problem like this with her mainbeam lights on the front of her a class, gave them a bang and they worked then went off just a loose fitting
no it wasn't that, i sorted it yesterday, ran a new cable from the switch and joined it to the original cable, must've snagged or came lose somewhere but all sorted and fixed now