General Sump Removal

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General Sump Removal


New member
Oct 29, 2017
Hi I have 2008 1.2 Panda , Sump has rusted through. Got new Sump and have removed all bolts as per Haynes. I can not break the Silicon Sealant , Have tried for hours. Haynes merely says cut through old sealant but there is not access, As old sump is US anyway any ideas how to get it off.

You could try some stainless steel lock wire it's fairly thin and strong provided you can get it to a smal gap at the corner you could use it to saw through the sealer
Allthough given the current situation it's probably hard to get some
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Follow up - Thanks for posts. Hitting Drain Plug very helpful. However I still needed access to the rear side of sump. To do this I removed OS wheel and inner plastic guards which the gave me access to front om the sump both sides and was able to lever with a long screwdriver that end over posts at front. With a bit of effort lowered it over posts and then was able to grab both sides and pull. Hey Presto out . NOT A 10minute job though