small bones in your feet...

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small bones in your feet...

look at that man go...

either that or he is chipped or cracked a phalange

brusing is usually caused by trauma

i.e u have had it stepped on or dropped somethin on it

if it generally hurts, rest it with your foot above level with your heart and ice for 20 mins, rest for 20 mins, then heat for 20mins to reduce swelling and brusing.

should b good to go by monday!
poggy said:
Try going to a vet, they can normally see you way quicker than a doctor.

Just don't be offended if they pat you on the head.

My not be able to do anything for your feet, but you'll be free from worms and fleas for the next 12 months!
Worms can actually be very beneficial as an aid to the immune system. It is thought by some that humans and animals are actually supposed to have worms and that the host and the worms share a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship.
Can't be bothered organising my thoughts properly so here:

Helz: hmmmmmm. my opinion on it is that the human body does a lot of things it's not meant to
Helz: like we drink milk and eat wheat we're not meant to
Helz: ancient humans probably had worms
Helz: and it probably did them no harm
Helz: in the same way as we have bacteria on our skin that d us no harm

Helz: but the itching would be bloody annoying!
Helz: the ones on our skin?
Helz: they're not
Helz: they live off our sweat

Helz: anyway, worms itch your botty
Helz: and tapeworms eat too much and make you lose weight
Helz: i wouldn't like to have either

Helz: not really, i see the point that ancient man had them
Helz: and that a semi-symbiotic relationship is possibe
Helz: but they're not particularly beneficial to us, not in the way we have a relationship with bacteria

*removed other party at their request :)*
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That's not accurate. The people who have been researching worms say that they aid the immune system and make us less susceptable to stomach infections, ulcer's and various other ailments that effect parts of the digestive system.
Neofolis said:
That's not accurate. The people who have been researching worms say that they aid the immune system and make us less susceptable to stomach infections, ulcer's and various other ailments that effect parts of the digestive system.

I've definitely NOT got worms then cos my ulcers are killing me !!!! LOL

Back to the foot - it could be the tendons. The tendons on the top of
the foot run inside like a sheath. This can get inflamed. (common with
footy players apparently). You can get some anti-inflammatory cream
from the docs that should sort it out.

Hope it gets better soon :)
I can never understand the idea behind reducing swelling. I know the swelling often causes pain, but it is usually the bodies way of protecting something that it damaged, so getting rid of the swelling is removing the protection.
Like I said it's to relieve the pain that swelling often causes due to the pressure it puts on things. Pain relief would make more sense, then people can be without the pain, but still have the protection afforded by the swelling.

The only problem is that pain killers rarely work on that sort of pain, hence anti inflammatories. I guess people would rather be without pain than healed quickly.
I had somethign remarkably similar mate if you work in sometimes cold conditions or you sit in hte same position every day it is possible you have tendonitus (sp). Take hold of your foot or get some one else to do it for you, move your foot if you can feel like a creaking in your foot then it more than likely tendonitus. But as always its always worth getting it checked out by some one who knows what they are talking about :D