Technical Slack Clutch

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Technical Slack Clutch


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Jan 27, 2009
How do i tighten my clutch cable (in my 95 punto mk1 manual)? Basically my clutch is so slack I press down on the pedal and theres no resistance it comes back up but goes down to easy. I have a haynes manual and I have read stuff on here etc but I need pictures and a step-by-step guide.
if it is between min and max then don't top it up and check out your brake pads for wear, might get embarrising with new brake pads otherwise!

The Haynes covers it rather well if you can get access to one via purchase or otherwise.


This is a clutch issue, different master cylinder. Check the reservoir, open the bleed valve on the slave cylinder and pump a few times intil fluid comes through. Tighten bleed valve.

Job done, unless there is a leak, which you will notice.


There is a good chance the clutch has packed up.

Look at the slave cylinder - is the arm sticking out a long way?

Is/was the pedal action smooth and light all the way down with no heaviness part-way down.

If yes the clutch pressure plate and/or the release bearing has failed. Fit a new clutch
I have a haynes manual but I am finding it a little difficult to get my head round. How do I check the reservoir? where is the slave cylinder? is the bleed valve opened with an allen key?
There is a little heaviness where it should dip but its not resistant enough I am gonna try and bleed it when I can figure out where the slave cylinder is and how I bleed it, and if that doesn't work I'll probably replace the clutch.
Brake makes a wheezing noise when depressed but it seems fine, brake fluid levels are good clutch still slack. I am grateful for the advice but I need more detail and pictures would be even better.

I have a haynes manual but I am finding it a little difficult to get my head round. How do I check the reservoir? where is the slave cylinder? is the bleed valve opened with an allen key?
Im gna try this, hopefully it should work and not fail a week later haha. I still can't figure out why the clutch has just packed up there's no leaks or anything. The car was overheating which is now fixed but other than that I dunno well fingers crossed this works if it does I have solved my own problem, and posted up my efforts for all you slack clutch victims.

its fairly easy.
you need two people

step 1, get a ring spanner, its 6 7 or 8mm
2 get a cloth,
3 put spanner on bleed nipple (under battery tray)
4 place cloth over nipple (or a clear pipe going into a bottle would be better).
5 get 2nd peep to push down clutch slowly but consitantly whilst you open nipple, then lock it off.
6 2nd peep hold clutch to the floor until nipple is closed.
7 release clutch pedal
8 repeat steps 5-8 unti you've gone thru a fair amount of fluid (keep topping it up at resivoir, let it get too low and your brakes may fail aswell!!)

clean up, replace everything, see how much firmer the pedal is, two days later, you need to do it again as your slave is ****:bang:
Yeah I have fixed it all bled, and working. Took 6 hrs most of the time was taken up gettin the battery tray bolts off but its all good now.
Watch out the fluid level is ok. Brakes and clutch both use the same reservoir.

I bled my clutch but in the end had to bite the bullet as the action soon went off again. The pressure plate was going home and release bearing very dry.
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