S475 esc - rip

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S475 esc - rip

Sorry to about your Point and I'm glad to hear you're OK. It's funny, but when
I used to instruct on the National Driver Improvement Scheme, the number of times when we used to approach slip roads and I'd try to get the client to plan for the possibility of traffic merging in situations like yours is incredible. Nothing ever happened on those training schemes and indeed clients used to say: "What's the chance of that happening then?" But it does, as you've seen. I'm not trying to be clever or score points, but I'd say 95% (guess) of drivers don't approach situations thinking "What might happen?" They only try and deal with it when it does, which sounds like what happened in front of you. My motto? Be somewhere else.
Sorry to about your Point and I'm glad to hear you're OK. It's funny, but when
I used to instruct on the National Driver Improvement Scheme, the number of times when we used to approach slip roads and I'd try to get the client to plan for the possibility of traffic merging in situations like yours is incredible. Nothing ever happened on those training schemes and indeed clients used to say: "What's the chance of that happening then?" But it does, as you've seen. I'm not trying to be clever or score points, but I'd say 95% (guess) of drivers don't approach situations thinking "What might happen?" They only try and deal with it when it does, which sounds like what happened in front of you. My motto? Be somewhere else.

doesn't sound like an on-slip in the OP's case more like a + roads..
doesn't sound like an on-slip in the OP's case more like a + roads..
Just re-read his posts and you maybe right, dammitt. He's not very specific, I just assumed, given the speeds quoted it would have been a slip road. The same points apply, but in criticising those on the NDIS for assuming things, I've just been guilty of the same thing. As the old saying goes, "When you assume, you make an ass of u and me."
Just for a nosey, I've had a look at that vid. How slow is the camera car driving? Plus, is it just me, or is it wandering quite a bit?

I was going to creat an album to stick some pics on of what my car looks like, but I don't have the buttons to create/add/whatever an album. How do I get these to show up??




Looks quite nasty, though it was probably borderline whether the airbag went off or not as the impact seems to be spread across the ns wing and bumper rather than a full frontal impact.

Agreeded. Although again, it all depends upon the forces involved, and the speed would seem right.
Cheers T :)

I was surprised when I saw it in daylight yesterday. I thought it was more evenly dmaaged across the front, although I was aware that the NSF corner took the brunt. Very surprised that the OS headlight looks OK, mounts may be be wrecked though. You prob didn't notice in the pics that the bottom corner of the winscreen is cracked, the passenger dashboard airvent got knocked out (!!) and the ignition surround has been broken (prob by my knee).

I was a bit annoyed yesterday as I had really gone to remove all my stereo stuff - only to be told that I had to leave it in. I'd phoned hte previous day and someone else had said 'Aye that'll be fine as long as it's not the OE stuff'. I'll be calling Elephant to confirm this. It'll be interesting to see if the stereo stuff mysteriously 'disappears' when the car's in the secure yard...
I was a bit annoyed yesterday as I had really gone to remove all my stereo stuff - only to be told that I had to leave it in. I'd phoned hte previous day and someone else had said 'Aye that'll be fine as long as it's not the OE stuff'. I'll be calling Elephant to confirm this. It'll be interesting to see if the stereo stuff mysteriously 'disappears' when the car's in the secure yard...

That's a bit off. What about being able to get other bits out of the car, like stuff in the boot etc then?

This is why if ever involved in a smack, I'll get the car recovered to home.

Glad your ok though, because it does look like a nasty smack!
