Technical Hazards On When Braking

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Technical Hazards On When Braking

Can I stop my hazards from coming on when braking?
It's really annoying.
Wonder if the system on the Abarth is any less sensitive as they may obviously get a bit more “spirited” driving than the average 500. I’m presuming yours isn’t an Abarth by saying that!
The citroen does that too if you brake a bit too hard.
Interesting concept 🤔 ! but if you have to brake to hard then surely your either not leaving enough distance between yourself and the vehicle in front off you or your not observing the conditions properly almost" without due care!":rolleyes:, ok sure there might be an ODD occasion when something unforeseen happens ! but if other road users (IE- the one behind you) is driving to the correct standard then this feature should not be needed ! and if there not!:eek: then it probably aint gonna help anyway!🤪
but IMO at least if its that urgent you are either going to fast or are to close or not paying enough attention!
That's a very subjective point. I think last time I had it was when a sheep pretended to play chicken with me - run up to the edge of the road then stop (laughing inside I'm sure).
But there are other times when having fun, no other cars close, definitely paying attention, and where 'delicate' people like you would be grabbing the door handle or pressing the imaginery brake pedal, that they might come on....
I seem to recall someone having done this in the past.

Try loading up MES and navigating to "CAN Setup / PROXI Alignment Procedure" >"Adjustments" > "Hazard lights switch-on in deceleration".
I think MES can turn this off. I keep thinking of it with teh Panda as they flash when just doing a controlled quick stop and its irksome. I shall have a look.
Update, I cannot find this in MES and its not in the menu of the Panda.
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I see your back to offering your own sarcastic opinions again! just like when you tried to "bully" another members wife just because she was missing a driver aid you thought was unrequired and that she should be able to cope without it!!.

For your information ( not that i am expecting you to listen or care for that matter!) I am in no way "delicate" thank you very much! never "grab the door handle" whilst DRIVING!- and in 44 years of driving have never found any imaginary brake pedal anywhere in any of my cars( or on my bikes for that matter!
Driving attentively and with due care and attention is not being" anal "or "***** " it is being RESPONSABLE! for your own actions whilst being able to anticipate others actions, and unexpected events , your "witty comments appear to imply that I am underconfident and overcautious! I am not!.
Hazards flashing under extreme braking! MAY be considered an additional safety feature by some? for others it may just be masking lacking driving skills or inappropriate behaviours !.(Or just plain stupidity!)