Technical common problems and there fixes !!

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Technical common problems and there fixes !!

I think something like this

is very useful, even though this list is incomplete (well, will it ever be complete?), somewhat outdated and the instructions vary a lot in details and language. Anyway I like the structure and the quick overview it gives... I'm not sure who's responsible for the site, it's seems like it was quit a while since it was updated...

As a side note, I found this description on how to fix the variator problem by replacing a spring and a piece of plastic inside the variator (spending only about €4, spare part no 71715450). Unfortunately (for you non Swedish speaking guys) you might have some linguistic issues :D
If there's any interest I could translate it...
Would it be possible to put something similar to the list on here on fiatforum? I think gathering all this information in a thread would result in some :bang::bang: trying to find what one is looking for.... Another benefit from getting a nice and quick overview is that one may find things to fix before it really becomes a problem...
Buy Scottish gifts? :)

Does anyone know if we can steal the articles from I can't see any copyright statements anywhere... Ian Barnett seams to be responsible for the site or the content... anyone in this forum who's been in contact with him?
Buy Scottish gifts? :)

Does anyone know if we can steal the articles from I can't see any copyright statements anywhere... Ian Barnett seams to be responsible for the site or the content... anyone in this forum who's been in contact with him?

Wiki is all open source.