Technical Boot not opening

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Technical Boot not opening


New member
Dec 6, 2022
Hi Fiatians,

My 2010 Punto Evo’s boot is not opening, I checked the fuses behind glove box but seems fine but when I press the boot opening switch, I can clear a tick noise from the fuse box. Wondering if anyone could help with.
First things first, here is how you can open the boot which you’ll probably need to do to fault find

One you have the boot open you’ll see a rubber tube going from the body of the car to the boot lid near the top of the boot opening, you need to pop that out and check the wiring inside to make sure the wiring hasn’t cracked, split or shorted out which is a common problem
My boy's 2012 Punto 1.4 did this and I just assumed it would be a broken wire at the transition point from body to hatch. But no! it was the actual latch/lock mechanism itself. Got a new one at a very reasonable price from S4p - they didn't list it on their website but I phoned them and they sent one up. Worth knowing guys, that they have stock they don't list so always worth a call.