General Boot light??

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General Boot light??


New member
Sep 1, 2011
Just noticed a light in my boot today which has never been lit up since I got the car? There any button I need to press or as I guess should it just come on when the lights are on or either the boot opens?? :s took it apart and changed the bulb and still no look :/ any help? :s ImageUploadedByFIAT Forum1378388407.767523.jpg
Yeah, as you imagined. It should come on when you open the boot. No idea how to get it working. Not sure if ALL lights on the same fuse, or different ones for each lighting area.

Atleast you have the light wired in. I have the space for the light, but no light and no wiring loom inside the fabrics in the corner - joke!
Wisey yeah I thought so, hmm should try find out if its the fuse then, then change it and see :s
It's got to be worthwhile. Fuses aren't expensive (i don't think), the only trouble is getting the cover off without snapping clips. As with a lot of things on the GP it seems, although i've never had problems with previous things with clips prone to snapping.
Sit in the drivers seat, push the boot button on the dash

Does it say 'boot open' or something along those lines on the screen on the dash? If not then there is a problem with the lock/catch and so the light wont come on because the car doesn't think the boot is actually open. There are a few threads about this that go into more detail but I think the only solution is to replace the latch
james44422 Yehh it says hatchback open so don't think it's that :/ must be just the fuse because I've changed the bulb with a few others I've got soo..
I had this very same problem. I still had the 'boot open' warning on the dash when I opened the boot, but no boot light. Tried new bulbs, tested the voltage etc, and then tested the individual pins on the connector. Long story short, a new boot lock mechanism sorted the problem. Can pick them up on eBay fairly cheap and only takes a few minutes to swap them over. The reason you have to get a new one is because the lock mechanism actually houses all the switches etc. Just comes down to whether you want a working boot light enough to pay for a new mechanism. Hope this helps (y) If you want any more info on it just search the forum, that is where I found all the info I needed when diagnosing the issue.
Lets hope its just a fuse then :eek:

dont want to scare you buddy but my GP was very temperamental with boot light
it may have been a rear sensor gone, when i reversed the reverse light didnt come on and wiper didnt activate when i have my front wipers on

but fixed it self... maybe a long line of electrical problems you may encounter...

hopefully its just a fuse, look in handbook to check out which one it maybe
My boot light never worked in my t-jet. I found out while wiring a power supply to my amp and subwoofer that the fuse box in the boot didn't have a power supply at all. I followed the cable from boot to front of car under the trim on the left of the passenger footwell, and found the thick positive wire not connected to anything. Seems like they didn't even bother connecting it. Anyway I ran a new cable all the way from battery to fuse box and voila my boot light now works!