Another newbie wanting Sub advice....

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Another newbie wanting Sub advice....

Kool Katie

New member
Apr 22, 2007
ok.. 03 Punto with a JVC KD-G421 head unit, stock front door speakers, and a pair of Vibe 6x9s on the rear shelf, (stock rears disconnected, and Vibes patched into the wires.)

I fancy a bit more bass... the Vibes give some bass, but not until the Vol is upto painful level..!! so I was thinking about putting a smallish sub in...

I've been given a 4 channel amp (660W) and my plan was to buy a sub and the amp would run the Vibes on channel 1 & 2, and the sub on 3 & 4 bridged.

My problem is that the head unit only has 2 pre-outs, designed for L and R rear... which is fine for powering the Vibes, but what do i connect to the amp to provide a signal for the sub??

Can i buy an RCA "Y" splitter and just split the feed from channel 2 into channel 3?


Yeah you can just use a couple of Y splitter into the other two RCA inputs as there will be 4 on the amp.
Which amp are we talking about please link as it will be easier to know what to advise.
Also i would say if you are hell bent on keeping the 6x9's as components are a pain to get in the front doors. Unless you get shallow mount. then i would build a wooded shelf and box them off into say 1cu ft between the pair underneath to stop the air movment of the sub blowing them up.
Thanks Volxstu,

You say about splitting both the rear RCA's into channels 3 and 4, even though 3 & 4 are going to be bridged?

The Amp (XSA INTIMIDATOR 660) has a switch on it for 2 /3 /4 channels, so i assumed i could just feed Channel 3 and set the switch to 3 channels...

The 6x9s are on a home made shelf... I didn't think the original would take the weight.... and there is a gap between the shelf and rear seats, so the boot isn't sealed.


ok, thanks again, 2 on order.

While I'm here... :rolleyes:

In 3 channel mode the amp "should" be putting out 2 x 165W + 1 x 330W.

I see subs are rated "750W peak, 175W RMS" would something like that be ok?? (KENWOOD KFC-W110S)
Should I be looking at the "peak" figures or the "RMS"?? so if I'm putting out 330W, will that blow the speaker at 175W, or be well inside its limits of 750W ??

Sorry, I get confused easily.....:eek:

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Allways look at rms. The figures quoted on the amp I presume is a max power. There is very little info on ur amp on the net but at a guess it will be 2x60 1x120 rms.
I would recomend the jbl over kenwood all day long. The jbl will be good for 500rms if you set up properly without any clip, so will be good for if you decide to upgrade to a mono amp.

ok, Thanks volxstu.