Listen mate, whilst I understand your curiosity, I think you're barking up the wrong tree to find these sorts of things here. Many of us Bravo owners are family men, who just enjoy the looks and gadgets of this car. Not many of us if any are interested in quarter mile drag strips and top speeds. I hope you get an answer but I very much doubt you will find it here. The only sporty, raced drivers on this site will probably only be found in the Abarth sections. Maybe some Grande a Punto owners also. But all of us realise we don't have a super car and just enjoy it for what it is. A gorgeous Italian family hatchback.
hello i make this thread,because i whant tho now if someone put the car in a drag race,what time get?
can you tell the model of the engine,and mods if have.
dont forget the time of 1/4 mille-
Check this page for 2013 models:
And this one for 2007:
Stop being such a patronizing **** whenever someone asks about the car's performance.
I think it's you who's in the wrong forum.
I don't really think this is being patronising. Matthew is merely suggesting to the OP that he may not be on the best forum for performance related topics. He has pointed out that most people discuss aesthetics and looks of cars rather than there top speed and quarter mile times.
To understand my post, you have to check his other replies to the same OP when he asked about top speed in another thread.
This is an open forum, anyone is allowed to discuss anything about Bravos and no one is allowed to dictate what is and isn't a proper topic when that topic is not forbidden by forum rules.
It's what some of us call free speech.
I'm not dictating what is and isn't a forbidden topic. I'm giving my view on how I read Matthews post. And that was giving the suggestion this this particular forum may not he the best source of information as the topics aren't the most discussed there's no need to get all defensive about your human rights when somebody suggests a different source of information.
I wasn't talking about you. read again.
Oh and this forum turned out to be a great source of information on that topic just like for any other topic concerning the fiat Bravo. So you're both wrong, don't get all defensive.
To understand my post, you have to check his other replies to the same OP when he asked about top speed in another thread.
This is an open forum, anyone is allowed to discuss anything about Bravos and no one is allowed to dictate what is and isn't a proper topic when that topic is not forbidden by forum rules.
It's what some of us call free speech.
How did I dismiss it. I merely pointed out he may be barking up the wrong tree looking in these boards. As the majority on these boards aren't interested in that sort of thing. I'm also yet to be proven otherwise. And by saying majority I'm also admitting that yes there will be some that are interested. So to inform me that it's not a "retirement home" and that some people "drive on tracks" is quite wholly unnecessary. May I also point out that I'm a 23 year old lad, I love my cars, football etc. So fully understand his curiosity to want to know the top speeds etc. Just to repeat myself. again! I tried to help by pointing him to other boards on the site that may be more suited for his question, But it's fine, you insult me about posts that weren't even made by me, ignore everything I have explained thus far. It all means very little to me. You seem to preach free speech but happily insult me about such a thing, even worse the things you insult me about firstly didn't happen and secondly you're misquoting me as someone else in entirely different threads. I'm done with this conversation. It is not me that is looking bad here. Even though I'm the one coming out of this insulted with disliked posts and offers to "go elsewhere".It was uncalled for because he asked a valid question and you dismissed it like he's crazy to even talk about speed around here.
This is not a retirement home, there are even people in this forum who drive their cars on tracks I'll let you know.