Technical Fitting rev counter to a 1.1 Eco.

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Technical Fitting rev counter to a 1.1 Eco.


Jul 9, 2011

Got a 2009 Fiat Panda 1.1 Eco and I want a rev counter.

I poked around here and found a few threads on it, and found out that thanks to semi standardized building, you can just plop in a set of clocks from a car with a rev counter and call it good as long as you get a Proxi alignment done.

Got some clocks off ebay (part 51711243 11 90271) and slotted them in. Rev counter works but the millage flashes away. So I rocked up to Nick Harper in Norwich (nice chap, decent dog) who tried to make do the Proxi alignment but it didn't play ball.

Since then I've chased down some wiring gremlins (ECU plug) but I'm wondering if I bought clocks for the wrong car / engine type (bought 51711243 11 90271 clocks)?

Just hoping someone can shed some light on the issue. The gearing in this thing is so tall a rec counter would be nice ... also I drive like a spud.

Thanks for any info.
Can't help you with the specific issue, but to get a rev counter I have used a Bluetooth obd connector and the app torque lite.

Aye, done that, just ... factory fit.

The rev counter all works, just it won't talk to the body computer properly.
The Guy you went to is a fiat specialist.. If he can't help you then i'm not sure your problem is solvable (not at least without access to Fiat Examiner)

did the 1.1 eco ever have a rev gauge fitted to any model, as the first thing I would ask is the rev gauge you did get, come from a 1.2. Is the binnacle therefore looking for something a (message on the canbus) that your car simply doesn't have. yes the rev gauge works but is something else not happy. an example of this would be if the dials came from an auto.
did the 1.1 eco ever have a rev gauge fitted to any model, as the first thing I would ask is the rev gauge you did get, come from a 1.2. Is the binnacle therefore looking for something a (message on the canbus) that your car simply doesn't have. yes the rev gauge works but is something else not happy. an example of this would be if the dials came from an auto.

1.1 didn't come with a rev counter, looking at it the gauges I got where fitted to 1.2 and the auto versions. So must be a gremlin in the system.

Might pop to the local dealer and ask how much it would be for them to plug it in and see.


AH HA! I need new stalks too! Right, ebay.
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I thought you could only fit different clocks if the mileage was less than the car it being fitted to

as you can only increase the mileage using software for obvious reasons

but then again I could be moles out :):):)
The clocks, immobiliser chip, engine ECU, body ECU are all electronically locked together when first powered on. The electronics can be "virginised" by an ECU specialist but there is no other way to mix and match parts. If you add something non compatible (and how would you know what is and isn't), the whole lot could throw a wobbler and all the ECU resetting would be wasted.

As for the rev counter on a 1.1 you could go to all that trouble and find it still does not work. We do not know is the 1.1 ECU provides the necessary signal.

If you can get the clocks you want, plug them into your car before buying. There will be warning lights but at least you can check if the tacho works. Then get it virginsied and hope it works without raising warnings.
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Virginizing is only for the immobilisercode stored in the ECU from the Bodycomputer. Proxy allignment (MES) should sort the rest. Too high mileage on the donorclock could be a problem, but a specialist should be able to reset the mileage before proxy allignment.
Read carefully. Tacho is already working so the signal is there. Missing the stalk for the tripcomputer might be a problem.

gr J
why pay a specialist to reset mileage when you can buy " fiat km odometer reset tool" from @£15. i bought 1 , it works fine. comes with obd2 lead & laptop disc. just convert km to miles. very easy to use. hopes this helps. regards, steve. p.s im buying a 59 active eco next week ( for the mrs) going to replace dash wih dynamic spec 1 to see if i can get a rev counter working in it.
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Further to clu01dbt's post-

Can anyone identify a Bluetooth obd interface, suitable for this variant?

Hey sheddi- you and I have EXACTLY the same car, (appearance and spec-wise), except mines' an '07 plate...
hi, dave. yes m8. dead easy to reset the miles. obd2 also sells the odometer correction disc & elm327 lead. still @ £ 15. not like the old days with a electric drill or a screwdriver, or even just swapping over the dash clocks, of which you can do on any fiat. best regards. steve.