Technical Yet another head gasket thread...

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Technical Yet another head gasket thread...


New member
Nov 1, 2013
Hi all,

I know - Yet another head gasket thread....

OK, so my father in law is telling my head gaskets gone, he generally knows what he's talking about, just want a second opinion before I go in for the skimmming etc, so many threads about this, so much conflicting info...

Car: 53 plate Punto mk2b 1.2 8v 57k miles

So, Symptoms:

Mayo in oil cap - not dipstick - read that it may be down to short journeys? Which is all I've been doing - 2 x 8 mile trips every other day.

Small oil leak over rocker cover - this seems to be on every punto??? haha

Car sort of wurr's on idle 800-1000rpm...

No loss of any other fluids, no over heating etc.

Is it worth catching this early and doing it now? I don't want to shell out a load of money if I don't need to.

Many thanks in advance :)
Thanks for the quick reply's chaps.

I'll look into a compression test.

It's also due a service, is it worth getting it serviced, seeing what they flag up, then doing it myself if it does need doing?
I'm now convinced that these issues are just a combo of short journeys and a loose rocker cover.

Which, as far as I can tell, is not big deal? Put it this way, there is never any oil on the floor under the car...
Short Journeys dont help
oil vapour has moisture in it - hence why long runs help ""boil it off""

But if you dont wipe the gunk out the cap - then it always looks the same ;)

No oil - water - loss
No overheating
Idle sounds fine 800 is warm idle - over 1000 is perfectly normal for a cold start idle or heavy electrical load

8miles isn't really a long run.... i do regular 5mile and tbh the engine is only just warmed up at that point
you never really get rid of all the moisture

Compression test will show a possible HG, but me personally i wouldnt be worried
57k is VERY early for a HG, however if it was mistreated or a fault is present
(thermostat stuck - lazy weak pump etc) then expect HG issues

like me
i'm way way way overdue a belt and pump change, but till either
A - belt snaps
B - i see overheating starting to occour
Im not touching them

partly because punto's are Bastards to coolant bleed


Thanks for the in depth post, much appreciated mate.

I'm also reluctant to touch anything, less it start's a chain reaction of crap going wrong.