The most expensive pizza you'll ever have..

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The most expensive pizza you'll ever have..

Mar 15, 2002
Or more to the point, I had..

Plane today from Phuket to Bangkok was at 3:30pm, so to make sure we would be on time, booked a taxi for 2pm - would then arrive at about 2:40.

To pass the time from checkout to the taxi, we went for some lunch at the local pizza place. Come 2pm, the taxi arrives, so we get the bill which was £7 - and then the fun begins.

The credit card machine isn't working, and as we can't withdraw cash here (stupid taiwanese banks) - they make us wait until they fix it ... and wait ... and wait. 20 minutes later, we are told we need to go to their other branch to pay - so my gf is taken off on a scooter to pay, returning 10 minutes later.

Of course now it's 2:30 and we are very late, howeve the taxi driver says he'll do his best to get us there in time. Unfortunately though, it's just not good enough (due to no fault of his own) and we don't make the plane.

Problem is, there is no later plane - nor is there a plane tomorrow, so we're stuck with one on Thursday at a cost of £80, plus the taxi back £12, then 2 more nights in a hotel £30.

So that's £122 as the pizza company wouldn't just let us off £7.

It gets better though. So now we are stuck here for 2 more days, with no cash and unable to get any. The only place which accepts credit card is ... yes, you've guessed it ... the pizza place!

The only saving grace is, after going back in there to complain, they've agreed to give us lunch and dinner for our remaining time here - so that's what we have to look forward to for the rest of the trip: sitting in a hotel room all day (as we can't go and do anything as everywhere needs cash) except for lunch and dinner time when we get our supply of pizza.

I'm trying to cheer myself up. I've just found £2 in my wallet which is enough for a bottle of whiskey at the 7/11.

So the question is - do I save the money for essentials over the next 2 days ... or just say **** it and at least spend one night relatively happy ..... :chin:

To put things in perspective - one month's rent for me is £240 .... (and that's expensive :eek: )
Whiskey it is then!

The problem with getting arrested here is I didn't have any money for the bribe, so I'd get charged and then deported :eek: - so I'd lose my home .. lol

I don't know if they register things like that - but then technically that would mean I couldn't get back into Taiwan, Japan, America or Hong Kong - as I'd have a criminal record.

Thus - I have to be very careful when I commit crimes, lol, and make sure I have enough "tea money" just in case I get caught :)
The stupid thing is our cards work as debit cards, but not in ATMs. The bank says they need to be unlocked for international use, something which can only be done back in Taipei :eek:

Sucks for me as I dont' even live there anymore! I'll have to go back to using my UK cards (whcih are in Bangkok) until I get a Thai bank setup.

And no, they don't offer cashback!
The stupid thing is our cards work as debit cards, but not in ATMs. The bank says they need to be unlocked for international use, something which can only be done back in Taipei :eek:

Sucks for me as I dont' even live there anymore! I'll have to go back to using my UK cards (whcih are in Bangkok) until I get a Thai bank setup.

And no, they don't offer cashback!

One not just live in one place like the UK and avoid all this hassle :p
As ridiculous as the situation is, I guess next time you'll know to get McDonald's since their stuff is always reliable... until you eat their food that is...
They don't take credit card either :( But on the plus side, they do sell triple cheeseburgers ... yum yum :)

Back from the pizza place - 1 jug of coke, 1 chicken strips thing and a large cheese filled crust pizza .. 16 pounds worth there .... lol
Coz the whiskey is from the 7/11 :)

Jug of coke = £2.05
Chicken things = £2
Pizza = £11.50

But yeah, bottle of whiskey is £1.80 and a bottle of 1.5litre coke is 75p from the good old conveni (y)

Whats even more strange is that the 7/11 / Familymart / Circle K / whatever is cheaper than a supermarket!