So which muppet

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So which muppet

Pope Benedict branded condoms. Guaranteed to never give you an erection outside marriage.
The Bishop of Nottingham said, if anything, it was "appalling manners".

And fondling kids then covering it up isn't? Preaching against condoms isn't? Come on. I think if we're going to allow him here there shouldn't be any official ceremony or recognition. If he wants to come then fine, let him come and let those that want to see him see him. We have no need to make an official visit out of this. Do we welcome radical clerics in the same way?

I don't find it funny...

Doesn't the Foreign Officer has anything better to do than that? How about doing their work?
Re: Kermit

And fondling kids then covering it up isn't? Preaching against condoms isn't? Come on. I think if we're going to allow him here there shouldn't be any official ceremony or recognition. If he wants to come then fine, let him come and let those that want to see him see him. We have no need to make an official visit out of this. Do we welcome radical clerics in the same way?

never had sex? SERIOUS!!!! :eek:
There's an argument that had priests been allowed to marry, there may have been less chance of that happening. I'm also not quite sure how they are going to advise young couples on married life if they've never had a relationship with any women other than mothers, sisters and housekeepers.

i would love to see how the other extremists would react to such suggestions
A fatwa decreed on the entire Foreign Office. Hmm. Perhaps they could extend that to the Cabinet.
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And fondling kids then covering it up isn't? Preaching against condoms isn't? Come on. I think if we're going to allow him here there shouldn't be any official ceremony or recognition. If he wants to come then fine, let him come and let those that want to see him see him. We have no need to make an official visit out of this. Do we welcome radical clerics in the same way?
My theory is that virtually all religions rely on poverty to one extent or another. People in poverty tend to believe in various religions and having a large amount of children is one sure way into poverty. Unless of course you're Francis Rossi who has 8 kids but can easily afford to look after them.

As races and nationalities have become better educated they have tended to move away from God (of whichever variety) and towards financial security and materialism.

If Catholics don't practice birth control and have large amounts of children, then it is pretty certain they will have less spare money and therefore have greater chance of being in poverty. Traditionally this meant people moved closer to religion.

Is it the cynic in me that thinks this is the reason behind the Catholic Church's resistance to contraception?

But then they are not alone. Other religions also rely on poverty to bring people in, or closer still to their particular faith.
My theory is that virtually all religions rely on poverty to one extent or another. People in poverty tend to believe in various religions and having a large amount of children is one sure way into poverty. Unless of course you're Francis Rossi who has 8 kids but can easily afford to look after them.

As races and nationalities have become better educated they have tended to move away from God (of whichever variety) and towards financial security and materialism.

If Catholics don't practice birth control and have large amounts of children, then it is pretty certain they will have less spare money and therefore have greater chance of being in poverty. Traditionally this meant people moved closer to religion.

Is it the cynic in me that thinks this is the reason behind the Catholic Church's resistance to contraception?

But then they are not alone. Other religions also rely on poverty to bring people in, or closer still to their particular faith.
each child is reckoned to cost 1 million pounds to raise.
Loved this, such a shame the foreign office apologised so fast. We're still waiting for an apology from the the Pope on the topic of kiddy fiddling priests.

As an aside, what a silly idea catholicism has in forcing their staff to be celibate, and work around vulnerable people their whole lives.

Easy fix, let them marry and procreate 'go forth and multiply' problem solved.