Technical Replacing outer ARB bushes...

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Technical Replacing outer ARB bushes...


Established member
Jul 8, 2006
Hi guys, my bushes arrived yesterday from ebay so I thought I'd have a go at fitting them today.

It took about an hour to do the nearside front, it was a ball ache of a job!

I will be doing the off side front tomorrow and will take pictures and write up a guide.

The bushes I have used are official Fiat/Lancia group with stamps like the originals. I will show everyone where I got them from in the guide.

The job wasn't that hard, I don't want to put anyone off as it is very rewarding afterwards (depending on how shot your bushes were).


Adam - I look forward to it, this is a job I am planning amongst many others and not looking forward to - pics/guide/links much appreciated by the likes of me!!

Cheers, Tom
I've heard a lot of people say how much new bushes improve the car, giving a more precise clean feeling. What's your experience?
My previous outer ARB bushes were absolutely nackered, and the ARB itself was free in the bush. Since fitting new bushes I get less body roll, the car does feel more precise and it has stopped knocking over small bumps.

To really improve the drive I would change the shocks and springs, I had Eibach springs and Koni dampers on my 156 and it was unbelievable, you could treat it like a hot hatch.
OK, so with knackered bushes you noticed a big improvement :)

I had Eibachs with Bilstein B6s on my Barchetta. My wife said it drove like a Kart, although the Eibachs did soften it a bit. I was very pleased with them and I think KC3 had them for a while after I scrapped the car. Don't think they suited his style as I think he sold them on again.......
Hiya, Matt,
Hope all is well,
I still have the Bilstien shocks on my B, with the Eibachs springs, They are great and coupled with Eibachs strengthened Anti roll bar kit the B does handle extremely well, i would highly reccomend this setup as it is coupled up with polyurephene bushes and really tightens up the B. The only thing is that once i'ved turbo'd her and have that extra power, i would like her to ride slightly lower so will be going for an adjustable setup like coilovers,

So anyone wishing to purchase a bilstien setup with 30mm lower Eibach springs let me know.
Hi KC3.

Glad to hear you're enjoying them, the ARB would probably have been on my list if I'd been able to keep the car.

I'm doing well apart from sliding my MR2 into a post after hitting an oil spill!!!!

Perhaps its a sign I should get back in a Barchetta?
I was , car wasn't. I was only doing about 40km/h. The problem was that the post I hit was concreted in very well, so when it went under the car it bent a lot of the bracing (engine's at the back, as you probably know).

I know it's not a Barchetta but here's a picture anyway:


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Glad you're ok!

I got given the keys to one of those by a policeman when I was 18, took it out for about 6 hours one night. They are pretty quick and well balanced, however I felt the front was a but light and twitchy at illegal speeds....

Looks much better now you have modified it! :D
Well it's no Barchetta in the looks stakes, but it's not bad looking.

This one is a facelift model with some small revisions which seem to help stability as well as an LSD.

It is incredibly well balanced, although it didn't help much on oil and water!

Hang on a minute, why did the police give you the keys to one when you were 18? Or shouldn't you say? More to the point, where did this happen as I'd like to move there (well I'm a fair bit over 18, so maybe I'd get a Ferrari.)?
I finally get Japanese styling, its cute.

The model I drove was an 05 or 06.

I can't say much really, he was a friend and a policeman just an awesome experience for an 18 year old! :p
hi, guys, sorry not been on for a few days, internet has been down.
And ouch!! :( sorry about the MR2. you having her fixed or going for another B.
ive been having a bit of a holiday since returning from Dubai, so not done much with the B apart from drive her. :D
:eek: Oh Cr*p... that's alot of damage..... Thank God you were not hurt...

Hopefully the insurance can fix it?

Looking on the bright side... if that was a B then you would have probably bent the rear bumper too.... :eek:

Seriously though.... The main thing is that you were not hurt... (other than pride). Cars can be fixed.....

Sorry for what happened and hope you get it all fixed asap.
Thanks guys. Yes I'm getting her fixed. I'm only third party as she's over five years old which makes fully comp not an option in Belgium.

As you say, I was unhurt, which is the main thing.

Turns out the guy who runs the garage has got a brother who is president of the Belgian MR2 owners club and is pretty enthusiastic about the car. Finding a garage who actually love their cars is a huge advantage, in my experience. The last two years I ahd the Barchetta I changed to a father son Fiat dealer and they were fantastic. Even helped me get a bolt undone when I was changing the suspension, gave me a couple of bolts for free after I'd damaged them getting them off and helped me sort the paper work for the MOT!

I'll finish my "review" of the MR2 when I get her back and post it here (well not this thread, but you get my drift) for those who are interested.