Technical Replacement EOBD diagnostic socket needed

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Technical Replacement EOBD diagnostic socket needed

May 27, 2022
Morning all. After the last service on our '97 B, the mechanic tried to reset the notorious airbag/pre-tensioner warning light and whilst we think we have this sorted, we noticed that the diagnostic socket that clips behind the drivers' seat (no. 304 on the diagram below) which is for the ABS system (we believe), was burned out. Looks like someone shorted it for some reason and needs replacing as a result.

A Google search hasn't provided me with anything other than the connectors that fit onto the diagnostic system ie; the male versions, and I can't find a part number - even in the extensive catalogue provided by Wiltshire Chris elsewhere on the forum. So, does anyone have any ideas on how to get a replacement (or at least access to the part number so I can try and track one down) please? If I have the part number I can at least do a search of breakers :)

Surely as EOBD ports are meant to be fairly universal as long as you get a second hand one from almost any vehicle with wires and rewire it the same as your burnt out one you should be OK as a rule if you go online most off the terminals are to the same rule apart from a few which manufacturers dictate, so as long as you check with original you should be OK.
Or has your model got a three pin port like this? In which case more of a problem, although for test purposes a "breakout box" could be used.


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Does your garage have a specific diagnostic tool for your three pin socket or do they use some form of break out box?
I wonder if you know what the three wires do on your socket as in signal , earth, live etc. Would it be possible to match that to a EOBD socket but just using those pin outs, or would it not be compatible?
Some years ago I had a Nissan Almera with a 14 pin Consort plug for diagnostics, in the end I got a matching plug with a USB end and a program from New Zealand and Australia, it was well worth it as it could interrogate immobilser codes as well as everything else.
Does your garage have a specific diagnostic tool for your three pin socket or do they use some form of break out box?
I wonder if you know what the three wires do on your socket as in signal , earth, live etc. Would it be possible to match that to a EOBD socket but just using those pin outs, or would it not be compatible?
Some years ago I had a Nissan Almera with a 14 pin Consort plug for diagnostics, in the end I got a matching plug with a USB end and a program from New Zealand and Australia, it was well worth it as it could interrogate immobilser codes as well as everything else.
Hi and I don't know is the simple answer. I will forward your thoughts on to the mechanic though; thanks again.
Mmm, I'm not sure that's the diagnostic port. It looks very like the connector for the rear window demister that clips to the B pillar. The colours match the wiring in my car and the connector looks the same, just less fried!
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Thanks for the insight.... they do indeed look similar. Only thing is that our car doesn't have and never did have (according to the original owner) a rear demister. Although it is clipped to the B pillar behind the drivers' seat. I'm happy if we don't have to find one more connector though :)
Does it compare with the placement and style of the ones I put in earlier photo from Auto data 2012 Diagnostics manual?
Not really but Chris's answer might shed some light on the subject... Now I'm not sure what it is because if it isn't part 304 from the diagram and our car doesn't have a rear demister, I may have to throw in the towel and just take it to Fiat to reset that damn warning light ;-)
Thinking about it I'd say that it is the for the rear demister, it's there as a connection for the optional hard top. The black wire would be ground, red permant 12V and blue 12V when the ignition is on so you can check that for 100% certainty. I'm afraid that doesn't help with the warning light though.

An interesting point is made on this page (run through a translator):

There is probably another problem with the cable connection between the vehicle and the hardtop (power for the heated rear window): It has already happened that the plug and cable, although plugged in correctly, simply burnt away. Plugging in "wrongly" is impossible due to reverse polarity protection and plastic tab (see picture).
Which sounds suspiciously like what has happened to your connector
Morning all. After the last service on our '97 B, the mechanic tried to reset the notorious airbag/pre-tensioner warning light and whilst we think we have this sorted, we noticed that the diagnostic socket that clips behind the drivers' seat (no. 304 on the diagram below) which is for the ABS system (we believe), was burned out. Looks like someone shorted it for some reason and needs replacing as a result.

A Google search hasn't provided me with anything other than the connectors that fit onto the diagnostic system ie; the male versions, and I can't find a part number - even in the extensive catalogue provided by Wiltshire Chris elsewhere on the forum. So, does anyone have any ideas on how to get a replacement (or at least access to the part number so I can try and track one down) please? If I have the part number I can at least do a search of breakers :)

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Part number 304 is near the floor by the front of the driver's seat (LHD). This is the diagnostic port covered by the same sort of plastic lid as the chassis number plate. The plug behind the seat is for the rear window heater (demister). grtz Eric
Part number 304 is near the floor by the front of the driver's seat (LHD). This is the diagnostic port covered by the same sort of plastic lid as the chassis number plate. The plug behind the seat is for the rear window heater (demister). grtz Eric
304 is the 16 pin OBD port only on the later Barchettas.

For earlier models the 3 pin ECU test port is I think in the engine compartment on passenger side next to / around the ECU located on the bulkhead on the passenger's side. Rear LEFT top corner of the engine bay when viewed from front of car.
304 is the 16 pin OBD port only on the later Barchettas.

For earlier models the 3 pin ECU test port is I think in the engine compartment on passenger side next to / around the ECU located on the bulkhead on the passenger's side. Rear LEFT top corner of the engine bay when viewed from front of car.
I stand corrected ;) The important thing here is that the 3 pin behind the seat is not an OBD port. grtz ER
So how does all this match with my earlier photos from AutoData Manual, engine diagnostic 3 pin plug up to 1998 in footwell , after that under bonnet in original answer to OP, all pre OBD 16 pin and what diagnostic tool is required to read the three pin plug? :)
So how does all this match with my earlier photos from AutoData Manual, engine diagnostic 3 pin plug up to 1998 in footwell , after that under bonnet in original answer to OP, all pre OBD 16 pin and what diagnostic tool is required to read the three pin plug? :)
MES should be OK with the 3 pin ECU diagnostic socket but you will need the 3 pin adapter cable.

Morning all. After the last service on our '97 B, the mechanic tried to reset the notorious airbag/pre-tensioner warning light and whilst we think we have this sorted, we noticed that the diagnostic socket that clips behind the drivers' seat (no. 304 on the diagram below) which is for the ABS system (we believe), was burned out. Looks like someone shorted it for some reason and needs replacing as a result.

A Google search hasn't provided me with anything other than the connectors that fit onto the diagnostic system ie; the male versions, and I can't find a part number - even in the extensive catalogue provided by Wiltshire Chris elsewhere on the forum. So, does anyone have any ideas on how to get a replacement (or at least access to the part number so I can try and track one down) please? If I have the part number I can at least do a search of breakers :)

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Why not try ePer?
Why not try ePer?
The burned-out socket behind the driver's seat is for the de-mister on the rear window of your hard-top, if you have 1. If you don't, it doesn't matter.
It has nothing to do with your ABS or anything except the de-mister.
Part 304 is a Diagnostic socket on the floor right under the handle to slide your seat front and back.