Technical Rear door won’t lock using central locking but will unlock (split from previous lock/key thread)

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Technical Rear door won’t lock using central locking but will unlock (split from previous lock/key thread)


New member
Jan 30, 2024
Milton Keynes
One of the 4 issues I had re: locks and keys was that the rear offside door on our 61 plate 169 doesn’t lock when the central locking is engaged (via fob, key or driver door internal handle) but does unlock using the above methods. The only way to fully lock the car is to first central lock using fob or key then open rear door and depress the handle then shut the door.

Any ideas gratefully received

Thank you. David.
One of the 4 issues I had re: locks and keys was that the rear offside door on our 61 plate 169 doesn’t lock when the central locking is engaged (via fob, key or driver door internal handle) but does unlock using the above methods. The only way to fully lock the car is to first central lock using fob or key then open rear door and depress the handle then shut the door.

Any ideas gratefully received

Thank you. David.
If you can feel the central locking trying to activate that lock on that door, then I would first open that door and using a screwdriver manually push the catch all the way to the second lock position and then with door still open see if the fob etc. will lock the mechanism. If it does then door catch adjustment is required, if it still doesn't try to lock then I would take the panel off the door and try oiling and working all the mechanism using proper oil not WD40 as to thin.
Important though to remember to release the lock catch with door handle before slamming door , otherwise you will damage the lock and catch!!!
If none of this works , but you can hear and feel the lock trying to operate via fob etc. then you probably need new lock assembly.
Check the handle isn't sticking up a bit

Pretty common as the rear doors are often used a lot less
