Technical Punto wont start after head gasket change

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Technical Punto wont start after head gasket change


New member
Jan 15, 2009
Hi i have a 1999 V reg 1.2 ELX Punto and broke down whole driving, white smoke coming out exhaust etc so i changed the head gasket.
Now ive just got it all back together, charged the battery because it went flat, now it wont start again. Ive got sparks on all plugs and the engine turns over. .. Any ideas?

Thanks, Adam
i bet bottom dollar its the crank pulley on the bottom make sure you have that so the nobble fit in the indentation on the pulley otherwise ignition will be wrong because of the sensor pickup
dont suppose anyone knows where i can find a pic of where it should all be lined up too?
dont suppose anyone knows where i can find a pic of where it should all be lined up too?

The easiest way to think of it is the crank turns two full revolutions compared to the cams turning one full revolution in a cycle.
I seem to remember the toothed wheel has a dimple/hole near to the centre fixing hole, but it is possible to assemble it 180deg out on the crankshaft as said earlier.


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well i can get the car started now, but doesnt seem to be running as smoothly as it should. and i get the white smoke out the exhaust when im accelerating, any ideas? i have bled the coolant system btw
Thanks, Adam
The whit smoke could be left over in the exhaust from when it went before, keep an eye on temp guage (if you have one) and fluid levels and take for a drive and see if it clears.

Other than that Didi you change head bolts?, skim the head?
well its still smoking (when accelerating) and doesnt seem to have much power when accelerating. Didnt change the bolts and think its already been skimmed a couple of times so it hasnt been done this time, think its that?
Possibly, you run the risk of it not sealing at all or blowing a few months down the line if you dont use new bolts (they designed to stretch so they dont go as tight second time round) and skim the head as it wont be perfectly flat.

Are you loosing coolant?
try tighten the bolts down a little more or better still get new ones and retighten them down, sounds like the coolant is leaking out though the exhaust a little and steaming off.