Technical Punto Clutch Bearing

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Technical Punto Clutch Bearing


New member
Dec 10, 2006
I have a 53 Punto MK2 1.2....8 valve which has done 70,000 miles..I put it in for MOT and was told by the garage that the clutch bearing was noisey and this was a common problem with Puntos..They said if I catch it early enough I should be OK but if left it can damage the clutch arm and possibly the " nose cone " of the would also be advisable to change the slave cylinder..Worst case scenario could be bill for around £400 plus the price of a secondhand gearbox..Any comments would be most welcome
Change your garage.

There is an issue with input shafts on Punto gearboxes but the seals can be changed.

Slave cylinder needs replacing if it leaks, not before.

They were obviously short of work this week.


If the release bearing is noisy you should'nt need a garage to tell you! If the bearing is going then it will make a noise when the clutch is pushed down. Once it starts squealing ---it's gone! Not to be confused with a whirring noise in neutral with the clutch up, that is NOT the release bearing but a bearing in the gearbox. (sometimes low gearbox oil) Decide for yourself which it is before paying out loads of cash.
I paid £150 labour plus parts for an HGT clutch at a (good) back street garage. The 1200 would be £120 plus parts.

For when you need them, Shop4Parts sell clutch kits. Check that gearbox oil just in case. No - change it - bet its due.

If the clutch is going the pedal feels lumpy and stiff rather than the usual smooth ction all the way down. Mine never actually slipped or got noisy I just struggled to get any gear.
I paid £150 labour plus parts for an HGT clutch at a (good) back street garage. The 1200 would be £120 plus parts.

For when you need them, Shop4Parts sell clutch kits. Check that gearbox oil just in case. No - change it - bet its due.

If the clutch is going the pedal feels lumpy and stiff rather than the usual smooth ction all the way down. Mine never actually slipped or got noisy I just struggled to get any gear.

The old owner of my punto had this problem. Bearing came off the shaft it was sat on and couldn't get any gears at all.
Garage said the clutch plate was ok but the pressure plate was shagged. I changed everything including the slave cylinder. Its recently developed a stiff 4th gear. I'm told it probably dirt in the back end of th gearbox. Thankfully an easy fix. Moral make sure garage does not put the box down on end or better get them to clean it out while its off the car.