OT - rotties to be added to the dangerous dog list

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OT - rotties to be added to the dangerous dog list

all dogs CAN be dangerous!

I have not read the petition for or against, but why are we banning dogs? should it not be carless owners?


OK you must have had a sense of humour to get this far. Its now gone wrong but here is a technical (ish) guide on the common ailments and what to do about them.
No it should only be a facter,i have had and been around dogs all my life, as have family members also and infact breed them, and close freinds and i can tell you.

There are certan breeds that are just more aggresive than others,hence more likley to attack what ever the situation,even in some cases the owner and poeple that are in regular contact with them.

i wont mention the breeds,cuase i have a feeling it this one could turn silly.

I think the saying "even a good dog can bite"

Just look as us (people) even the nicest person can do summit you weren't expecting.

How many times do you hear, "I wouldn't have thought ###### would have done that, he/she was such a nice person"

Well it's the same for animals... all animals!

I had a hamster once, would be really sweet and walk over ur hands, up your arm, across your neck and back down the other arm... then 1 day the @#£ker bit me and drew blood!!!

then this 1 time.. at band camp...


Tommy K - Have you got the Bottle!!
Yet again, certain members of the public are making unfounded assumptions and exploiting the tragic death of a baby boy.

This from the BBC News website...

"The government has said it has no plans to add rottweilers to the list of dogs banned under the Dangerous Dogs Act."


However, reading that article in full, one has to wonder what the child's 18 year old mother, 20 year old father (who lives separately from the mother) and 16 year old aunt (who was baby sitting the child, along with her 6 & 7 year old sisters, one of which was holding the baby at the time the dog struck) were doing or thinking at the time.

I think that deserves closer scrutiny over and above whether a particular breed of dog requires inclusion on a list.

How about we create a list of dangerous parents ? Or dangerous dog owners ?

Mk.2 Marea Weekend 1.8 16v 115 ELX

Totaly agree Rob,it should be certain people that are banned from keeping possible (dangerous dogs).

But even responsible owners,with well trained dogs that have children especialy!! are at risk of them being attacked,by certain breeds,more so than others,because they are bigger more powerfuly built and the dog knows it and natrualy more aggresive,they are not stupid, these breeds were bred to enhance certain qaulity's that were desired by the breeder.

A collie to herd,a lurcher to run hunt,a labridore to work, so on, so on.

Certain breeds are good at certain things its bred into them.

I know dogs and how to train a dog, and i have a four year old son, and i would not have a rottie in my house,because i would not trust it 100% why take that risk with your kids life,its not the dogs fault!!! i dont blame the dog for haveing the insticts that they were breed to have.

They have to ban certain people haveing the right to own certain dogs,or ban the dogs,or children especialy will keep on being killed.

I wish they would do the first,ban certain people from having them,and not the dog,but that would be a mutch bigger head ache to enfforce than banning the dog,so if anything happens i fear it will be that latter.

I am not implying that all rottie's are dangerouse,BUT when they turn they will do seriuose dammage,and as we all know even kill,because they are big enough and strong enough and can.


"How about we create a list of dangerous parents ? Or dangerous dog owners ?"

Hear, hear!!!

Council estate lad.
And proud of it!
A battle of wits with the unarmed is no fun!

Member of the Guild of Experienced Motorists.
sorry but i feel that some dogs just arent right for pets, they are animals and as tommy said (enjoy this tommy i wont agree with you again :) ) behaviour is unpredictable, but i feel that some dogs are less predicatable then others, unfortuneatly i feel that the "rotties" which have now become fashion items also are more likely to attack then say a jack russel, actually scrap that the jack russels are bloody little nippers that bight all the time, but at least they are controllable because of their size.

I am not commenting on the article in the press though, i wasnt there and its easy to change a story to either blame the dogs or the parents, ultimatly no dog and the child would be alive. Its sad that you dont need to pass any exam or be tested to esure you are fit for parenthood, but thats another topic :)

2xHLX owner,3xHGT, (then the darkside) 1xCoupe20vt now the proud owner of a Black Coupe20vt LE!

kind of agree every dog is capable of being dangerous, just due to rotties strength they do more damage when it goes wrong.

I have always had dogs when younger, farm dogs, and have a jack russell now.

personally i would be happy if you had to have a dog licence, as long as it was free, or 10/15 quid one off fee, just to prevent certain people having dogs, dogs of any kind.

personally i dont see why anyone living on benefits etc should be allowed to get a dog, fair enough if they have one nd circumstances change etc but otherwise they shouldnt be able to afford the luxury.

a dog licence would be a simple check of your background. and regulates dog breeding a bit.
There should be a dog license in the same way as a gun license, that way the halfwits of this world would find it harder to get a dog that is beyond their intelligence to look after.*
I have had some big dogs in my youth (Rhodesian Ridgebacks), some as guard dogs when I lived in Africa and once you actually see what a dog can do to human flesh it makes you think twice
My wife had her calf torn in half by a collie pup some 7 years ago and the scars will never go, so I have very close personal experience and I will never forget seeing her in the hospital after I laughingly turned up expecting to see a few puncture wounds after a dog had bitten her.... only to see her calf half hanging off and that was a pup and just a nip at he legs at that!
Some people just don't have the intelligence enough to be allowed to breed children though, let alone keep dogs.....
* however remember Hungerford etc.. so that isnt to say that this will be a foolproof plan!

"personally i dont see why anyone living on benefits etc should be allowed to get a dog, fair enough if they have one nd circumstances change etc but otherwise they shouldnt be able to afford the luxury."
State Pension is a "benefit". A dog is the only company many pensioners have much of the time.
Anyway, nowhere have I seen it mentioned that the owners are on benefit. Nor the parents, for that matter. Assumtion and speculation always seem to cast a cloud over fact in cases like this!

The dog was 2½ years old, but had only been with the family for 6 months. Not enough time, in my opinion as a dog owner, to leave alone with a 7 year old child holding a 1 year old, as seems to have been the case here.

Young kids sometimes see animals as toys and treat them as such.
Some dogs will tolerate this, some won't.

My dog, a lurcher, is one of the gentlest dog I've ever come across, but would not leave him alone with my grand-daughter.

Council estate lad.
And proud of it!
A battle of wits with the unarmed is no fun!

Member of the Guild of Experienced Motorists.
Well said Nige! As an extension to that it has long been my belief that only the RSPCA should be allowed to sell animals as pets. Their vetting processes ensure that animals are housed in suitable environments and that the owner and animal are suited to each other. The problem is not with the dogs on their own but the people owning them and the environment they get taken in to.


"Doctor said to give up Keee-Babs. I said 'No, no-no'"

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Dangerous dogs...

A lot of sense typed on this thread, but here's a thought, when did you last hear about a spaniel/labrador/collie killing a kid?

What I'm trying to say is while labelling certain breeds as dangerous will tar individually good dogs with a bad brush, it is hard to think of an another way to control things. There isn't the resources within the police or animal welfare organisations to remove and identify individually agressive dogs.

In South Lanarkshire where I live there is a real problem with folk wanting and owning dangerous dogs. If you could get rid of the badly owned dogs (and quad bikes/scramblers!) round here it would be twice as nice.......
I know I'll get slated for stereotyping or jumping to ill founded conclusions, but let's look at a few things about this particular case.

An 18(barely) year old mother with a child one year old. The father is 20 and does not live with mother and child. The baby is in the care of the mother's 16 year old sister who is also looking after her own sisters, aged 6 & 7. The baby is being held by the 7 year old.

And there is a Rottweiler in the house with them.

That's a Molotov cocktail right there.

Funnily, on the way home from my dad's last night, Jackie and I were talking about it and I mentioned how I'd heard that the mother had left a tribute to her son on, of all places, Bebo. I said, "I bet it's all written in "TXT" speak and badly spelt."

I quote, from the mother's Bebo site....

"R.I.P my little angel
my wonderful baby boy ur loved so much by evry1 i no ur always gunna b here with me. ur my sleepin angel nw i had so much 2 teach u. me n ur daddy loved u loads n always will i'v promised u im gunna stay strong and b brave 1 day we'll all see u again love you more thn words cn say archie ur my little soldier mummy x x jst want 2 say fanx 4 ur comments n keep thm commin its conforting 2 no ppl care and r here 4 me n all of archies family we'll all pull thru he's gunna av the best send off eva so my little angel cn rest in peace xxx"

I wholeheartedly agree with Nigel when he says, "Some people just don't have the intelligence enough to be allowed to breed children though, let alone keep dogs....."

Mk.2 Marea Weekend 1.8 16v 115 ELX

Not much else to say after Robs last comment, that quote from bebo sums it all up...
Hear hear again, Roberto.

Such wisdom from one so young (wisdom, as in plagiarizing and embellishing a point I'd already made). ;)

Council estate lad.
And proud of it!
A battle of wits with the unarmed is no fun!

Member of the Guild of Experienced Motorists.
i have 2 rottweilers and 1 jack russell and the jack russell infact is more viscious than botht he rotties together.

neither of my dogs have attacked any 1 or any thing. staffs i hear about all the time attackin this and that and infact 3 differant ones have had a go at my big rottweiler.

if a rottweiler bits some one every one hears about it. if a jack russel bites some one they laugh about it cos its small. a bite is a bite, if rotties get banned then all dogs should be banned. its the way you bring them up.

i think that all dogs can be dangerous, but the problem is when a bigger dog (for eg a rotty) decides to go for you your in trouble.

you wouldnt necessarily be in danger if a wee poodle tried to attack you, but on the other hand if a bull mastif did you would be in serious trouble.

its really sad to read about all these young children being attacked/killed by dogs, but at the end of the day if you give a big dog space to go for someone and it actually does whos fault is it?
another thing is when kids come up to the gates barkin n kickin gates n throwin stuff over to wind them up so they bark and can run off and doin it every day, they might think they r playin but what happens 1 day say when postman come leavs gate half open the kids kick the gate to wind them up the gate opens and grabs them, they are ****ed,literally. then whos to blaime? the dog or the kids for winding them up?

we have every kid round here on video windin up the dogs from the cctv for when ever, if ever, somethign happens they can have a copy.


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