Styling Oh dear another newbie

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Styling Oh dear another newbie


New member
Jan 3, 2014
Hey guys, just bought my 1,2 8v GP last saturday, very happy with her! however been wanting to put some 17's on before i even bought it although now im being told 17's will destroy ride comfort and handling, some now cant decide whether i wanna chance it or go with some 16's, any help would be appreciated :)
Hey guys, just bought my 1,2 8v GP last saturday, very happy with her! however been wanting to put some 17's on before i even bought it although now im being told 17's will destroy ride comfort and handling, some now cant decide whether i wanna chance it or go with some 16's, any help would be appreciated :)

Hi, welcome to the forum and welcome to the GP family (y)

Mate there are loads of us running 17s, I honestly cant remember if the 17s destroyed the ride but I believe if they did I would remember, having since put on spacers and lowered the car and changed out the sub frame brace for a forge set then I can honestly say hand on heart that the car now handles a lot better than it did as standard. I also believe tyres play a part also mate (y)
Hi mate and thanks :),

Yeah i noticed alot of them have 17's only really been told by my mate who has a Golf mkIII and a few others that they ruin the ride, but he has old tyres too, i was thinking of some 17 fox racing fx004 on falken tyres all brand new so they should hopefully be smooth! i did want to lower the car too so there wasnt such a gap between arch and tyre but then i dont want any bumps in the road to cause grinding on the tyre to the arch. ( Also seen the pics of your car and love the exhaust mate!! is it titanium?
Hi mate and thanks :),

Yeah i noticed alot of them have 17's only really been told by my mate who has a Golf mkIII and a few others that they ruin the ride, but he has old tyres too, i was thinking of some 17 fox racing fx004 on falken tyres all brand new so they should hopefully be smooth! i did want to lower the car too so there wasnt such a gap between arch and tyre but then i dont want any bumps in the road to cause grinding on the tyre to the arch. ( Also seen the pics of your car and love the exhaust mate!! is it titanium?

No mate the exhaust is obsessively clean chrome lol.

With 17s you could lower your car on Eibach Sportlines or H&R Cups and have no problems mate the arch gap on a GP needs to have planning permission lol.

Get some pics up of your GP mate we love pics in the GP section.

Wow it looks awesome!
alright mate cheers ill look into them :) and yeah as for the gap you need a bloody taxi from one end to the other XD as for pics this is unfortunately the only one i have at the moment! need to clean her properly on the weekend:) IMG_0701.JPG