Hi there, i'm new to the site and after looking through previous pages i'm well impressed by the knowledge thats available through this site.
I have a 97 (R) HGT which has done a tad under 50 000 miles. This is the first problem i've had with it, it is a fantastic car.
Since Wednesday (28th) my idle has been slightly eratic. It has recently had a full service.
On start up the idle will flicker between 875rpm (normal) and 450rpm (where the needle is bouncing of the rest). After giving it a few good revs 3500-4500 it will settle back down to normal no problem. The problem usually occurs when the car has been standing for a while (good few hours) and always in the morning on first start up.
Now i may have solved my problem as i think its the leads (these have not been changed)but i want some other opinions.
Also there is a light on the dash board which looks similar to a key with three sparks coming out the top, (not the actual key symbol its two or three to the left of this)and this sometimes stays onfor a few seconds, again usually on first start up and when its been sitting for a while, whilst at work say 3pm to 11.30pm.
Great site people, hope you can help me.
I have a 97 (R) HGT which has done a tad under 50 000 miles. This is the first problem i've had with it, it is a fantastic car.
Since Wednesday (28th) my idle has been slightly eratic. It has recently had a full service.
On start up the idle will flicker between 875rpm (normal) and 450rpm (where the needle is bouncing of the rest). After giving it a few good revs 3500-4500 it will settle back down to normal no problem. The problem usually occurs when the car has been standing for a while (good few hours) and always in the morning on first start up.
Now i may have solved my problem as i think its the leads (these have not been changed)but i want some other opinions.
Also there is a light on the dash board which looks similar to a key with three sparks coming out the top, (not the actual key symbol its two or three to the left of this)and this sometimes stays onfor a few seconds, again usually on first start up and when its been sitting for a while, whilst at work say 3pm to 11.30pm.
Great site people, hope you can help me.