New to the site -not so new problem?

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New to the site -not so new problem?



Hi there, i'm new to the site and after looking through previous pages i'm well impressed by the knowledge thats available through this site.

I have a 97 (R) HGT which has done a tad under 50 000 miles. This is the first problem i've had with it, it is a fantastic car.

Since Wednesday (28th) my idle has been slightly eratic. It has recently had a full service.
On start up the idle will flicker between 875rpm (normal) and 450rpm (where the needle is bouncing of the rest). After giving it a few good revs 3500-4500 it will settle back down to normal no problem. The problem usually occurs when the car has been standing for a while (good few hours) and always in the morning on first start up.

Now i may have solved my problem as i think its the leads (these have not been changed)but i want some other opinions.

Also there is a light on the dash board which looks similar to a key with three sparks coming out the top, (not the actual key symbol its two or three to the left of this)and this sometimes stays onfor a few seconds, again usually on first start up and when its been sitting for a while, whilst at work say 3pm to 11.30pm.

Great site people, hope you can help me.
the symbol mentioned if im not mistaken.....

is the injector symbol,probably advising that there is a problem with them it seems from your comments on idle,although on my seicento sporting and 1997 hgt the warning light does stay on a few seconds longer than the other warning lights, i would suggest takin it back to the place of service or a computer tuning place where they can run a diagnostic check to see if there is owt wrong with it...
good luck...... fab!!!
Injector light always onm at start

The injector light is always on at startup.
If you turn the key to the 'On' position, (i.e the one where the key reasts when the engine is running, not where the starter kicks in) you will notice that the battery, oil and brake warning lights come on and stay on - till you start the engine obviously.
The 'Code' light should also come on if fitted, and also the injector warning light. After 1-2 seconds the 'Code' light will disappear and 1 second or so later the injector light should go out.
This is normal as the systems are running checks or whatever.
If there is something wrong with the injector system then the light will be on longer after starting or come on while driving, and the engine will sound very rough and will shake the whole car as the engine balance is off if one or more cylinders are not firing.
Sorry I can't help you with the problem but I don't think it is the injectors.
Fuel pressure?

Could this be caused by low fuel pressure? (ie. from old filter and partially blocked injectors etc.) or perhaps a vapour lock in the system? I take it that other than starting up it drives OK. So does it still do it if you turn the engine off and restart after 10-15mins?
engine sensor

My 1600 Punto had occasional problems with this injector light coming on, although it stayed on until the ignition was turned off. The next time the car was used everthing would be normal again.
It turned out to be a faulty exhaust gas recycling valve.
The valve was sticking for a short time after it had
opened to recycle unburnt fuel. Funny, but it only ever happened when my wife was driving!!!
The fault was diagnosed on the main dealers analyser, which can read the control unit's history.

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