New phone grief!

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New phone grief!

Jun 30, 2008
On Wednesday night we came home in good spirits having seen Phoenix Nights Live in Manchester.
I put my phone down in the kitchen only for Mrs Codger to open a cupboard and drop a 500ml jar of pasta sauce on it. Smashed the screen to bits.
so now I have a new phone and you can hardly do anything without signing in to a Google account. But when I get as far as putting in my email address in it jumps straught to the Virginia media log in page instead. It's driving me nuts. Any ideas why? The phone is a Samsung hence android system.
repair your old phone ;)
are you using your wifi, or public wifi?
Thanks for taking the trouble to reply.
Home wifi.
I have figured it out - I was entering my "normal" email address, which was linking automatically to virgin media who are the service provider.
However the email address that was required was my "Gmail" one which I never use and had forgotten about to be honest. Anyway, job done now!
What is incredible though is that when you get a new phone nowadays there is an endless stream of things going on to link this with that and set up drop box and goodness knows what!