Technical mk2b sporting Electrical problems

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Technical mk2b sporting Electrical problems


New member
Nov 15, 2019
Hello dear forum members,

I've purchased a punto from the title, sporting 1.4 16v mk2b with bigger headlights, in the beginning of 2019.

The situation is as follows:

  • ESP failure sometimes writes on the screen when the car is on, I read somewhere that this is not a problem because the error disappears immediately upon starting the car;
  • It sometimes happens that at the very touch of the brake, even the lightest touch, it interrupts the radio, as if it would cut off the power for a moment;
  • The car can have a "power outage" when starting to move from low RPM, at least on the control panel and radio, and the headlights receive less current (less light) at the same time. This happened to me once earlier when I accidentally hit the steering wheel limit (full lock).
    I think it is a human factor error because of moving at low rpm, but the car does not shut down, probably only happens because of low voltage.
  • A couple of times in the past it occurred to me that the car reports a servo error and the servo stops working. Not city servo but regular servo. When I turn off the car, turn it back on and everything is ok. It has been resolved and is no longer happening.
  • It happens that the car twitches abruptly, not just stutter, but the whole car jerks in motion, as if for a split second it hits the brake by it self. After that, the radio restarts and the lights on the control panel, the temperature rises to max immediately, even though the car is completely cold (it only happens after leaving the parking lot, although it happened once when I was on the move). When it says max temp, then it lowers the needle to a realistic temperature. The car once did this when I turned the steering wheel quickly when exiting the parking lot, as if it had hit a lock stop, but there was still room for the steering wheel to turn.
  • The above happens from time to time, I have the feeling that it is happening more and more often, until it happens to report a million and one errors on the board computer, the dash lights up like a christmas tree, the board beeps for errors, among other things it says to shut down the car. This also usually happens a minute or two after starting the car, when exiting the parking lot, a similar error as last time. Regardless of whether I switch the car off and on, it writes these errors for some time after which the computer is restarted completely, date, time, consumption data and the rest is restarted. Then the car behaves at its most normal for a period of, say, a month, when the errors start to cycle again to the last one.
    I have videos of this error, but since I'm new here I can't post them.

When all these faults occur, the car mechanically behaves normally, starts, drives, brakes, turns, and even while reporting faults, although of course I always stop immediately and turn off the car until it resolves itself (except for the last fault that lasts a bit and I leave car back to the parking lot or an error passes after a minute).

Earlier, my rainwater drains were blocked under the windshield and a bunch of water accumulated. When I found out, I thought (and maybe that is when it started then) that some of the water might be overflowing on some electrical bits under the hood, but the errors continued to occur from time to time.


Your thoughts?
I've connected a cheap obd2 bluetooth module while power is off.
Upon starting the car no errors were read by torque app.
Then when I turned the car off the radio kept working, it normally doesn't.
Upon turning ignition the dash reported "steering fault" or something similar, the radio was still working and fuel level read zero and it's light was flashing.
Some other light was shining, don't remember which one.
I think orange one on the left part of the dash.

Pulled the obd module out and everything returned to normal.