Tuning mintex brakes

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Tuning mintex brakes

Jun 12, 2011
Great Yarmouth
hiya guys I'm looking for a new set of rears for my cinq has anyone used or heard of or have any feedback they can give me on the mintex stuff, I've heard they are simialar to the omp stuff but am unsure,

Any help/advice/feedback would be great as there's a great deal on ebay for shoes, cylinders and springs at the moment :)


I don't rate mintex any more. used to be good. They fade too quick. I have had better braking from cheaper brands.
Which specific Mintex compound are you referring to?

Like most brake manufacturers they produce many compounds.
All basic Reg90 road pads (if genuine) will be VERY close in normal road use, that is after all the whole point of the Reg90 regs!!
Hello i am new to the forum but used to own a fiat 127 gt i have rallied a hillman imp for 20 years and work as a mechanic on WRC events, this is my first post. i can thoroughly recommend mintex if you bed them in correctly you will not have problems i run my imp on mintex comp shoes (drums all round) work really well brake balance is important and do not under estimate how hard the rears work if the car is balanced on its suspension and tyres. now off to find the welcome area to introduce myself properly

regards mike
The rears on a 127 (or an imp) no doubt work very hard. On the Centos, the weight is something like 60/40 front biased before you apply any braking effort. Under hard braking the rear wheels will be almost off the ground, and there's a proportioning valve preventing them from overworking anyway.

That's why many track day FWD cars run with the rear brakes disconnected altogether -- I mean, plumbed out.

Rallying imposes rather different demands.
My problem is the fronts I got were cheap and cheerful, I probley did glaze them when I put them on as they weren't bedded in properly (I have a heavy,lead lined, right foot) hopefully soon as I said before I will have a set of uno tub brakes up front but my rears are due a change as they do grind every now and then

Cheers for all the advice and reviews on them, ill put an order in as there up as a complete shoe,spring and cylinder set for 26quid, worth a punt I suppose
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Mintex have always been fine for me, but, I fitted rear shoes and front pads and had problems after 1000 miles or so. Hand brake hardly worked (new cable/actuators/cylinders/drums/shoes). Front pads lost braking power and started to split. Could have been a bad batch? Punto rear disk conversion. 500+ miles and the things could barely hold the car on hand brake. Brake efficiency for MOT. Fail.????
Not worth the money when you can get better for less ££££s.
im looking at the brembo rear drums too, even if they do nothing they'll still look different lol
ive got new actuators and a new handbrake cable to go on at the same time, might have the rear beam off whilst the brake pipes are off and give it a little rustproofing
