Technical lambda sensors

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Technical lambda sensors


New member
Jan 2, 2007
Hi, i have a slight problem i hope you can help me with. I have a w reg 2000 sporting. When replacing my cat i noticed there was only one lambda sensor (pre cat) and no second hole post cat. But i had wiring for a second lambda sensor. My new cat had two holes, so i plugged the lambda sensor i had in the pre cat and blanked off the post cat. Were any sportings made with one lambda sensor? My m.o.t. is due early december will only having one sensor effect my emissions?

Thank you
Hi mate,

Yes some of the early Euro 2 engines will only have one Pre cat lambda. The euro 3 versions required a post Cat lambda in order to comply with the new regs in checking the efficiency of the Cat itself.

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Thank you for your reply.
So i might be alright then, i guess i will only tell when its on the emission test.
Thank you for your reply.
So i might be alright then, i guess i will only tell when its on the emission test.

Is your Engine Check light on? if no - its not seeing the missing lambda sensor, so i honestly wouldn't worry about it

As said from about 2003 they started making it twin lambda and phase(cam) sensor

But the manifold actually didnt change from 2000 to 2006
